宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Chuggington》恰恰特快车/火车宝宝英文版 第一季 全集52集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器选择设置字幕或者关闭字幕);每集大小90M,资源总大小4.67G,单集播放时长约9分钟,480P高清MKV格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

Chuggington 第一季 资源简介

《Chuggington恰恰特快车 》,是“高铁版的托马斯”。《恰恰特快车》是BBC出品的交通工具题材动画,与《托马斯和他的朋友们》这部动画相比,告别了蒸汽时代,展现了现代高科技的元素(智能指挥中心、声控喷漆车间、自动洗车车间)。画面的清晰度更高,色彩更明亮丰富。适合年龄:3-7《火车宝宝Chuggington》,又名《恰恰特快车》,是BBC出品的动画片,取材于铁路日常运作中发生的故事。


《Chuggington》是一部CG影视动画(Computer Graphics),2008年9月在CBeebies频道播出,目前超过170个国家播出该片。2012年获得国际动画界安妮奖提名
动画片讲述了生活在Chuggington小镇的列车们的故事,主角三列小火车Wilson 、Koko、Brewster组成了一个“小车队”,还有Harrison、Pete等等,除了火车们,动画中还有两位维护人员Lori 和Morgan(人物设计有点像《小公交车太友》)。火车站里每天发生各种有趣的故事,他们要进行日常的训练、会接受各种任务,比如运送动物去动物园、彼此玩笑(有时候会很调皮)、互助、探险。这部动画特别推荐给喜欢机械类或交通类题材的孩子们。从教育性的角度来说,这部动画片适合3-7岁的孩子观看,适合培养孩子日常规则的遵守、仔细倾听、不说谎、个人的责任心、友谊的价值(伙伴之间友好互助),因为里面的小火车们都向这些优秀素养靠齐。

Chuggington 第1季 视频截图

Chuggington 第一季 剧集目录

Release year: 2008

Koko, Wilson, Brewster and friends learn important lessons about facing their fears, following directions and working together as a team.


Can't Catch Koko / Wilson and the Elephant

Koko needs help when she offers to replace Harrison on the night shift; Wilson transports Ebo the elephant to the park in order to get a new badge.


Eddie Finds Time / Brewster Knows Best

The town is in chaos when the depot clock is broken, and Eddie is determined to fix it; Brewster learns that patience can bring great rewards.


Helpful Hodge / Action Brewster

Hodge and Koko compete to see who can do the most chores in one day; Brewster is afraid that his work will make him late to see his hero's new movie.


Clunky Wilson / Old Puffer Pete's Tour

Wilson damages a wheel while playing and is afraid to go to the repair shed; Old Puffer Pete takes the trainees on a tour of the old ghost town.


Koko On Call / Zephie Ace Reporter

Koko assists Dr. Gosling by watching one of the animals in the safari park; Zephie gets the important job of transporting a visiting reporter.


Brewster's Little Helper / Jet Pack Wilson

Zephie takes over some of Brewster's jobs without asking; Action Chugger is called away on an emergency, and Brewster tries on one of his jet packs.


Mtambo's Amazing Adventure / Brewster to the Rescue

Mtambo wants to have adventures so that he can tell new stories; Brewster has to do an emergency run to rescue Chatsworth when his brakes gets stuck.


Wilson and the Wild Wind / Wilson and the Paint Wagon

Wilson plays with the controls of a new weather simulator and causes a big storm; Wilson needs help from Old Puffer Pete to use the paint wagon.


Koko and the Tunnel / Hodge the Magnet

Koko disobeys instructions to investigate an underground tunnel with Wilson; Hodge has to believe in himself so that he can repair a broken track.


Wilson Gets A Wash / Training Time Harrison

Wilson learns how to brake in mud but doesn't want to go through the chugwash afterward; Harrison discovers how important it is to follow the rules.


Wilson and the Ice Cream / Koko Takes Charge

Wilson gets distracted while carrying a cargo and forgets his duties; Koko is in charge of the depot but hasn't paid enough attention to instructions.


Zephie's Zoomaround / Puffer Pete's Big Show

Olwin and Morgan give Zephie a siren in case she gets lost again; all the trainees put on a big show to celebrate Puffer Pete's 150th anniversary.


Wilson's Paper Trail / Koko and the Squirrels

Wilson's cargo of special paper gets ruined when he plays in a broken water pipe; Koko makes a mess of things while hauling wood to the paper mill.


Brewster Goes Bananas / Nurse Wilson

When Brewster delivers food to the safari park, he unknowingly brings back a stowaway; a visiting nurse teaches the trainees about the ambulance car.


Late Again Eddie / Outward Bound Olwin

The trainees want to help Eddie when he gets in trouble for being late to work; Olwin rescues the trainees when they get trapped by a heavy fog.


Wilson's Smooth Moves / Brewster and the Dragon

Wilson is having difficulties learning how to give passengers a smooth ride; Brewster believes Emery when he teases him that dragons are real.


Watch Out Wilson / Famous Emery

The trainees have to pull and roll stock around a tricky obstacle course; Emery thinks he can get famous when a television crew visits Chuggington.


Bubbly Olwin / Mtambo's Royal Tour

Olwin has trouble with some bubbles when she tries to look her best for a photo; Mtambo gives a tour of the safari park to the King of Buffertonia.


Frostini's Fruit Fandango / Poor Old Puffer Pete

Frostini gets help from an unusual source when making a new flavor of ice cream; the trainees misunderstand something they have overheard about Pete.


Inspector Emery / Rock-a-Bye Chatsworth

The trainees swing into action to clean up the depot on annual inspection day; Chatsworth has a hard time taking a nap after a long day of work.


Wilson's Wacky Tour / Brewster's Hobby

Wilson is too impatient to listen to Mtambo's full instructions about giving park tours; Brewster comes up with a fun new hobby: people spotting!


Koko's Puppy Training / Bang Klang Wilson

When Koko finds a lost puppy, she decides to keep it; it's Old Puffer Pete to the rescue when Wilson's ice-cream car breaks down during a test.


Cool Wilson / Koko Pulls It Off

Wilson is thrilled to have the chance to assist Frostini, the ice-cream chugger; Koko doesn't do well when the trainees take the passenger test.


Wake Up Wilson / Hodge's Secret

Wilson stays up all night and then has difficulty completing his run on time; Hodge causes problems when he tries to finish his duties without Eddie.


Braking Brewster / Old Puffer Pete's Firebox

Brewster's impatience when getting a load from the stone quarry lands him in big trouble; the trainees help find a new firebox for Old Puffer Pete.


Zephie's Monkey Business / The Chugger Championship

Silly Zephie becomes afraid of the monkeys in the safari park; kindly Koko gives up her chance to win a championship race in order to help Wilson.



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