宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Mike the Knight》迈克小骑士英文版 第一季,全部26集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器选择字幕或者关闭字幕);资源总大小约25.9G,单集播放时长约23分钟,1080P高清MP4视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

迈克小骑士英文版 第一季 资源简介

由BBC-CBeebies联合制作的学龄前儿童动画剧《麦克小骑士Mike the Knight》

动画片《麦克小骑士Mike the Knight》在美国尼克频道、英国BBC等多家电视台播出,是一部几乎每个孩子都看过这个英雄小骑士的故事






迈克小骑士英文版 第1季 视频截图

迈克小骑士英文版 第一季 剧集目录

01_Mike the Knight and Galahad the Great _ Mike the Knight and the Scary Dragons
02_Mike the Knight and the Smiley Treasure _ Mike the Knight and Evie's Birthday Present
03_Mike the Knight and the Fluttering Favour _ Mike the Knight and the Tricky Trail
04_Mike the Knight and the Buried Treasure _ Mike the Knight and Sir Trollee
05_Mike the Knight in the Mission Mess _ Mike the Knight and Trollee in Trouble
06_Mike the Knight and the Scary Noise _ Mike the Knight and the Mighty Shield
07_Mike the Knight and Peace and Quiet _ Mike the Knight and the Glendragon News
08_Mike the Knight and teh Great Gallop _ Mike the Knight and teh Special Signal
09_Mike the Knight and the Invisible Monster _ Mike the Knight and the Dragon Squires
10_Mike the Knight and Knight Hider _ Mike the Knight and Trollee's Sleepover
11_Mike the Knight and Mission Home _ Mike the Knight and Many Knights
12_Mike the Knight and Squirt's Story _ Mike the Knight and the Real Sword
13_Mike the Knight and the Snow Dragon _ Mike the Knight and Santa's Little Helper
14_Mike the Knight and the Big Swap _ Mike the Knight and the Triple Trophy Triumph
15_Mike the Knight and the Big Parade _ Mike the Knight and Sparkie's Amazing Thing
16_Mike the Knight and the Knightly Campout _ Mike the Knight and the Wild Boar
17_Mike the Knight and the Great Rescue _ Mike the Knight and the Monster
18_Mike the Knight and the Troll Treat Pie _ Mike the Knight and teh Wizard's Treasure
19_Mike the Knight and Sir Super _ Mike the Knight and the new Castle
20_Mike the Knight and the Polka-Dot Horse _ Mike the Knight and the Viking Snow Day
21_Mike the Knight and the Greatest Story Ever _ Mike the Knight and the Most Medals
22_Mike the Knight and the Busiest Day _ Mike the Knight and the Real Dragon
23_Mike the Knight and teh Lost Pots _ Mike the Knight and the Magic Pot
24_Mike the Knight and the Jewel of Glendragon _ Mike the Knight and the Favour for Trollee
25_Mike the Knight, the Great Protector _ Mike the Knight and the Sneezing Reindeer
26_Mike the Knight and the Flying Corgis _ Mike the Knight and the Knightly Welcome



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