宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Mighty Little Bheem》威武小神童英文版 第一季,全部21集,英语同声评论版(解说版)/原版无对白发音,内置英文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器选择字幕或者关闭字幕);资源总大小约3.74G,单集播放时长约6分钟,1080P高清MKV视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

威武小神童英文版 第一季 资源简介

◎译  名 威武小神童
◎片  名 Mighty Little Bheem
◎年  代 2019
◎产  地 印度
◎类  别 动画 / 儿童
◎语  言 英语解说版/原版无对白
◎上映日期 2019-04-12(美国)
◎IMDb评星  ★★★★★★✦☆☆☆
◎IMDb评分  6.7/10 from 294 users
◎集  数 21
◎简  介

一个天真无邪的小宝贝有着无限的好奇心和非凡的力量 — 这将给他所在的印度小镇带来麻烦和冒险。


网飞Netflix与印度Green Gold 动画公司合作的Mighty Little Bheem,这部动画基于印度很受欢迎的剧集神话人物Chhota Bheem而打造,暂时没有统一的中文译名, 豆瓣上中译名叫“威武小神童”,也有网站叫它“强力印度小子”。



威武小神童英文版 第1季 视频截图

威武小神童英文版 第一季 剧集目录

  1. All Bheem wants to do is chase a flower in the woods, but can he grab it before a hungry lion gets him?

  2. When a dance show comes to town, Bheem can’t help but move to the music and make his way to center stage!

  3. Bheem’s new playmate is twice his size, but he's jealous that Bheem is stronger -- and he plans a nasty prank.

  4. Bheem loves his first taste of honey, and so does his friend. Do the bees have enough for them both?

  5. When Bheem gets the hiccups, he and his monkey friend have a forest adventure to get rid of them.

  6. When Bheem’s blanket is used to steal a carriage, he takes the ride of his life to hunt down the thief.

  7. A strongman amazes the town with his feats. How will he feel when Bheem easily upstages him?

  8. Bheem’s new babysitter has many plans for playtime, but his animal friends may be too much for her!

  9. When Bheem and his buddy sneak out to play with a friendly elephant, things get very messy, very quickly!

  10. While Mom’s away, Bheem spies a trayful of his favorite laddoos. Will he get to them before she’s home?

  11. Mom wants Bheem to bathe, but he has other things to do -- like keeping a pig from eating his snacks!

  12. Inspired by the clown in town, Bheem is all too excited to try some impressive tricks of his own.

  13. A thief has stolen the king’s crown, but Bheem won’t make it so easy for him to get away with it!

  14. Bheem’s new drum set is way too loud. But when Mom takes it away, he finds other ways to make music.

  15. Bheem and his pal get spotted by a hungry lion -- but Bheem has some funny ways to fend him off!

  16. After a health checkup, Bheem wants to be a doctor himself. His patients? His animal pals, of course!

  17. Bheem searches for his green ball in the woods, but what he finds is quite different from what he lost.

  18. While trying to help their mothers in the garden, Bheem and his friend stir up some innocent mischief.

  19. Separated from Mom at the fair, Bheem keeps busy chasing balloons, enjoying laddoos and playing games.

  20. When a big ball of yarn creates havoc at home, will Bheem and his friend get tangled up in the mess?

  21. Bheem finds a hat. But before he can claim it, he must face some tough competitors who want it, too.



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