宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Regal Academy》皇家趣学院英文版 第一季全部26集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(内置多国语言字幕,如荷兰文,西班牙文,意大利文,葡萄牙文,德文,法文,土耳其文等,可以下载后使用播放器设置字幕字体大小颜色或者切换关闭字幕);每集大小约1.3G,资源总大小33.9G,单集播放时长约24分钟,1080P高清MKV格式,可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种设备播放,提供百度网盘下载。

皇家趣学院英文版第一季 简介

《Regal Academy》(皇家趣学院)是由Iginio Straffi和Joanne Lee共同创作的意大利动画电视连续剧。该系列作品由彩虹工作室制作,该工作室由斯特拉菲(Straffi)和维亚康姆(Viacom)共同拥有。

类型: 动作 / 动画 / 家庭 / 儿童 / 奇幻 / 冒险
制片国家/地区: 意大利
语言: 英语
首播: 2016(意大利)
季数: 1
集数: 26
单集片长: 24min
又名: 富豪學院
资源名称: 皇家学院.Regal.Academy.S01.2016.tt5958514

Rose Cinderella is an average teenage girl who's as obsessed with shoes as she is fairy tales. But when she finds a key that unlocks a magical new world, she learns that fairy tales are not just in storybooks!

When Rose tumbles into Fairy Tale Land, she discovers something even greater--her own magical family legacy! Her grandmother Cinderella is headmistress of Regal Academy, where five famous fairy tale families come together to teach the next generation of princes and princesses how to become heroes….with a lot of help from their legendary grandparents.

Now Rose and her new best friends – Astoria Rapunzel, Joy Le Frog, Travis Beast and Hawk Snowwhite – figure out how to fly dragons and outsmart witches, all while learning to use their magic and live up to their famous family names.

Welcome to Regal Academy… where you need to make magic to make the grade!

皇家趣学院英文版第1季 视频截图

皇家趣学院英文版第一季 剧集目录

Normal girl Rose stumbles across a portal to Fairy Tale Land and enrolls at Regal Academy, where she discovers a surprising family connection.

The students of Regal Academy are thrilled to finally learn how to ride dragons, but the task proves far more challenging than anticipated.

A trip to the swamp turns into a kissing quest for the students. There's no such thing as a regular day at Regal Academy!

While learning about what it takes to be a hero, the students encounter a fearsome giant who may not be as mean as he seems.

During a chaotic potion class with Dr. LeFrog, Vicky tricks Hawk into summoning the troll from "Three Billy Goats Gruff."

When Vicky's scheme results in the gate to Earth being temporarily closed, Rose finally gets the chance to have a sleepover in Fairy Tale Land.

After their new decorum teacher proves to be anything but chill, Rose, Hawk, Astoria, Travis and Joy search for a way to cure her grouchiness.

Travis wants to be an artist but feels his grandparents, Beauty and Beast, don't exactly support his plans.

Rose's mom learns her daughter has been secretly attending Regal Academy. Meanwhile, the Shortbread Witch cooks up a nasty recipe.

Dr. LeFrog confiscates Rose's beloved collection of Fairy Tale Land goodies, but they may be just what Rose needs to fend off chaos at Regal Academy.

While serving as the treasure hunt's master of ceremonies, Humpty Dumpty runs afoul of a certain big -- and bad -- wolf.

A misplaced pocket watch causes Regal Academy's magic to run out, and turns the illustrious school into a giant pumpkin patch.

As excitement builds for the first grand ball, the students search for dates, not knowing that mayhem awaits on the dance floor.

Regal Academy puts its reputation on the line in a track-and-field competition against Princess IronFan's granddaughter, LingLing.

Rose is eager to learn how to tame dragons at Regal Academy. Little does she know Vicky and the Pied Piper have a trick up their sleeves.

Just as Rose is scheduled to perform in front of the entire school, the Sea Witch steals her voice. It's up to Hawk and company to save the day.

Snow White's stepmother contends that she's put her evil ways behind her, but Hawk and Rose have their doubts.

After Vicky puts the Guardian of the Mirror under her spell, all the students are sent to Earth for a food assignment.

Why is Astoria waking up in the library every morning, unsure of how she got there? Rose and company come up with a plan to find out the answer.

Regal Academy is having its annual "Bring Your Parents to School Day," but the students can't seem to motivate their parents to make the trip.

When Princess IronFan is kidnapped by the Monkey King, LingLing sets out to rescue her grandmother. But LingLing has unplanned company.

As the students prepare for the annual campus flower festival, Thumbelina drops by with a big surprise.

Vicky enlists Rothbart -- the wizard from "Swan Lake" -- to help her sabotage a dance competition at the castle.

The students get a new -- but very old -- dragon-riding teacher, who doesn't see eye-to-eye with Beast.

As if studying for exams weren't stressful enough, Rose and her friends find they must also make time to deal with the Wicked Stepsisters.

Rose and her friends muster their courage and strength to battle the Wicked Stepsisters and the Guardian Dragons.



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