宝妈资源网收录的动画片《LoliRock》摇滚萝莉英文版 第二季全集26集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(内置多国语言字幕,如法文,阿拉伯文,希伯来文,波兰文等多国字幕…可以下载后使用播放器选择字幕或者关闭字幕);每集大小约610M,资源总大小16G,单集播放时长约22分钟,1080P高清MKV格式,可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种设备播放,提供百度网盘下载。

摇滚萝莉英文版 第二季 简介

LoliRock是由Marathon Media和Zodiak Kids制作的法国动画电视连续剧,由FranceTélévisions和The Walt Disney Company France参与。它由Jean Louis-Vandestoc创建,由Madellaine Paxson编写。


摇滚萝莉英文版 第2季 视频截图

摇滚萝莉英文版 第二季 剧集目录

Mephisto and Praxina scheme to attack LoliRock when the band plays at a festival in Riverdale Stadium to support a struggling concert promoter.

In order to get some oracle gems, Mephisto and Praxina try to do a good deed, but it quickly backfires and the LoliRock girls must come to their aid.

When Amaru and a cute puppy he befriended both vanish, the princesses learn that Mephisto and Praxina were behind their disappearance.

Amaru is jealous when the princesses adopt an adorable little kitten, but none of the band realizes that their new pet is stealing their magic powers.

When her modeling contract pays her with a lifetime supply of shampoo, Auriana turns mean and the band suspects her new hair-care product is to blame.

Aunt Ellen gives Iris a special gift: a magic crystal containing a holographic message from her mother, warning her to avoid a fight with Gramorr.

When her relationship with Nathaniel is threatened, Iris tries to make more time to be with him, but a teen named Brenda desperately needs her help.

Evil twins Mephisto and Praxina use Brenda's bracelet to unlock the power of a magic medallion, but Iris and the princesses arrive to stop them.

When an invisibility spell of Mephisto's misfires, Lyna is shrunk to doll-size, then mistaken for a real doll by a little girl Iris is babysitting.

When she ignores instructions and tries to cast a multiplication spell, Carissa creates three versions of Amaru with very different personalities.

In an attempt to impress a friend, Talia tries to win a festival competition with Rex, a robot that needs a little bit of magical assistance.

LoliRock agrees to be the opening act for a musical duo called Quicksand Ferret, but they must solve a mystery when one of the singers disappears.

Iris and Auriana persuade a skeptical Talia to work with a music video director the band met at a smoothie bar, but he isn't what he claims to be.

When the band attends a concert in the desert, Auriana has a feeling that she has met popular but arrogant musical star DJ Ezra somewhere before.

When LoliRock hires an artist named Debra to design their new flyers, they discover that her family is enduring hard times due to a false accusation.

The band takes a day off when an eclipse interferes with their powers, then learn that a rival is stealing customers from Nathaniel's smoothie shop.

When sinister siblings Mephisto and Praxina use a voice imitation spell to lure Iris into an ambush, a mysterious Ephedian steps in to rescue her.

The band takes a dance class after overhearing criticism of their stage moves, but Talia's new shoes give Mephisto and Praxina control of her mind.

Amateur magician Mark the Magnificent bungles his routine at a talent show, but the girls pitch in to help him when they realize he's someone in need.

Discovering that the crops at a strawberry farm have mysteriously failed, the princesses set out to help the farmer's son find out why.

After she sees Nathaniel staring lovingly into Missy's eyes, a hurt Iris stumbles into battle with the evil twins, then discovers a familiar face.

Iris considers Lev's plea to return to Ephedia, but she hesitates until Talia's sister Izira, head of the resistance, confirms a royal message.

Iris and Talia teach Carissa about teamwork, a useful lesson when Mephisto and Praxina receive amulets from Gramorr that can turn people into statues.

Praxina casts a spell that backfires on her and erases her memory, creating an opportunity for the princesses to convert her into an ally.

Izira informs the girls that only one more gem is needed to restore the Crown of Ephedia, but Mephisto steals an important book from their library.

Iris disappoints Nathaniel by preparing to move back to Gramorr with Aunt Ellen as all five princesses begin their final battle with Gramorr.



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