宝妈资源网收录的动画片《鲨鱼哥 Zig & Sharko》 第二季,全部26集,无对白,内置英文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器选择字幕或者关闭字幕);资源总大小约18.3G,单集播放时长约7~20分钟,1080P高清MKV视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

鲨鱼哥 第二季 资源简介

◎译  名 鲨鱼哥 第二季 / 鲨鱼哥与美人鱼 / Zig et Sharko / Zig and Sharko
◎片  名 Zig & Sharko Season 2
◎年  代 2016
◎产  地 法国
◎类  别 喜剧 / 动作 / 动画 / 家庭 / 奇幻
◎语  言 无对白
◎上映日期 2016-02-15(法国)
◎IMDb评星  ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
◎IMDb评分  6.8/10 from 891 users
◎单集片长 8分钟
◎编  剧 奧里耶 / Olivier Jean Marie

◎简  介


On the high seas, the beach or an ocean liner, Zig, a hungry hyena has one thing in mind: dining on Marina, the carefree mermaid. With help from Bernie, a genius hermit-crab, he comes up with the zaniest plans to capture her but that's forgetting Sharko, the shark with rippling muscles who will do anything to protect his mermaid.

鲨鱼哥 第2季 视频截图

鲨鱼哥 第二季 剧集目录

  1. Zig is overjoyed to see Marina on the beach. / Zig uses his sudden popularity to look like a hero. / Marina tries to re-educate the loony pilot.

  2. Sharko feels pressure to impress Poseidon. / Zig struggles to be a baby dolphin's favorite playmate. / Zig and Bernie get a taste of the good life.

  3. Zig and Bernie pretend the cargo plane can fly. / Bernie tries to pull a fast one on Zig. / Zig appears, distraught over the loony pilot's health.

  4. Panic ensues when a meteorite is seen heading toward Earth. / A dance club opens at the beach. / Marina becomes obsessed with surfing.

  5. Zig dons a fake moustache on the beach. / A crafty fisherman comes looking for Zig. / Sharko's plan to ditch his new shoes hits a snag.

  6. A visiting conquistador has eyes for Marina. / Sharko, Zig and Bernie take on the orcas in rugby. / Zig and Bernie offer to clean the castle.

  7. Sharko takes his new job a little too seriously. / Bernie gives Zig a bionic upgrade. / Zig and Sharko open a snack bar on the beach.

  8. Nobody cares for Marina's new suitor. / Zig and Bernie install mermaid traps in the castle. / Zig learns his magic skills are no match for Sharko's.

  9. Sharko tries to keep Marina from eating candy. / Zig's mermaid bait works a bit too well. / A mysterious ink sprayer worries everyone on the beach.

  10. Sharko gives self-defense lessons on the beach. / Zig sees that Marina isn't scared of him -- at all. / Marina loses her favorite starfish accessory.

  11. Sharko's plans for romance are interrupted. / Zig's not the only one with eyes on the mermaid. / Zig gets some new fans in the form of giant lizards.

  12. The secret to an old friendship is revealed. / A skateboard brings back memories for Zig. / It used to be three's company for Zig, Sharko and Bernie.

  13. Marina finds a tourist-friendly disguise for Sharko. / Zig and Sharko compete for Marina's attention. / Bernie doesn't cast Sharko in his film.

  14. Marina's relaxation is ruined by a fly. / Zig steals a unicorn's horn, much to Sharko's dismay. / Zig finds a shrinking raygun in the wrecked plane.

  15. Bernie goes toe-to-toe with an alien. / Marina asks for help taking care of an unhatched egg. / Zig and Sharko work together to escape the jungle.

  16. Zig pretends to be a dog to get close to Marina. / Zig goes undercover as a cocoon. / Zig offers Marina some ill-advised beauty advice.

  17. Marina sets out to climb a mountain but Sharko isn't far behind. / Marina meets a friendly mummy in a pyramid. / Bernie plus bubble gum equals trouble.

  18. Sharko's romantic plans are thwarted by a movie poster. / Sharko tries to hypnotize Zig into becoming a vegetarian. / A mummy puts a curse on Zig.

  19. Zig, Sharko and Marina deal with a sudden bit of sinking. / Sharko's new find impresses Marina. / Zig and Bernie plan to steal Marina's necklace.

  20. Hades disguises himself as a panda to impress Marina. / A photo of Zig goes viral. / Marina sets out to break the record for tightrope walking.

  21. Marina "borrows" her dad's magic trident. / Zig and Bernie find immediate use for their new trampolines. / Marina is smitten with her model train.

  22. Sharko has his hands full after a game of Red Light, Green Light. / Zig's cannonball stunt doesn't go as planned. / Zig teaches Sharko how to cook.

  23. Marina competes in a beauty contest. / Sharko vows to rewind time to save Marina. / Zig and Bernie scare Sharko by pretending to be vampires.

  24. New ponies test Zig and Bernie's talents in the saddle. / Magnets keep Zig and Sharko together. / Teleportation portals could help Zig nab Marina.

  25. Sharko tests his DIY skills on the castle. / Zig challenges Sharko to a not-so-friendly game of tennis. / A busted boiler causes havoc on the island.

  26. Zig tries to botch Sharko's declaration of love. / Zig stumbles across a most intriguing little box. / Zig uses cheese to make Sharko's breath stinky.



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