宝妈资源网收录的电视剧《美版恐龙战队 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers》第三季,全部33集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器选择设置字幕或者关闭字幕);资源总大小约5.81G,单集播放时长约20分钟,432P标清MP4视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

美版恐龙战队 第三季 资源简介

◎译  名 美版恐龙战队 第三季 / 忍者戰隊隱連者 / Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
◎片  名 Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Season 3
◎年  代 1995
◎产  地 美国
◎类  别 动作 / 科幻
◎语  言 英语
◎上映日期 1995-09-02
◎IMDb评星  ★★★★★★✦☆☆☆
◎IMDb评分  6.6/10 from 24,410 users
◎豆瓣评星 ★★★★✦
◎豆瓣评分 8.8/10 from 553 users
◎单集片长 20
◎集  数 33
◎演  员 艾米·乔·约翰逊 / Amy Jo Johnson

◎简  介

幽冥女王之兄阿達武士(Rito)加入侵略地球的隊伍,並壓倒性的擊敗金剛戰士,摧毀了大連王與戰鬥白虎,指揮中心亦在戰鬥中損毀,金剛戰士就此失去超異能。宙威利用中心所餘的能量,將失去超異能的戰士們送去忍者神廟,要他們去見可製造超異能硬幣的忍者戰士(Ninjor)。儘管途中有阿達武士派遣的食人鳥追擊,但戰士們依舊成功抵達神廟獲得新的超異能,並多了忍者裝扮的變身型態,以及忍者機械獸(Ninja Zords)。後來巴布猴、怪頭陀與魚匠人等尋獲失落已久的無敵戰將(Shogun Zords),玄冥大帝等人遂奪走小晴的超異能硬幣與大明的戰鬥鷹,企圖要脅金剛戰士替自己駕駛無敵戰將征服地球。大明只得潛入暗月宮內,於千鈞一髮之際奪回硬幣與戰鬥鷹,而比利亦在操縱無敵戰將時將控制權奪來,令玄冥大帝的企圖失敗,也讓金剛戰士多了五架新的生力軍。


美版战队POWER RANGERS系列开山之作,该片是由美国SABAN公司1993年向日本东映公司买下该公司的《超级战队系列》的海外改编版权后而来,战斗场面大多剪辑自日版。但本片在特技处理方面还是别具一格的。

美版恐龙战队 第3季 视频截图

美版恐龙战队 第三季 剧集目录

  1. The Rangers are traveling to Edenoi to check on Alpha's creator when they encounter the Masked Rider, who believes they have come to harm him.

  2. The Rangers and the Masked Rider team up to fight Count Dregon's warriors.

  3. The Rangers rush back to Earth to fight off an attack by Repelletor.

  4. Rita's brother, Rito Revolto, promises to destroy the Power Rangers as a late wedding present for his sister.

  5. The Rangers search for the mythical sage Ninjor in an effort to restore their lost powers.

  6. The Rangers receive new Ninja Powers and new Zords to battle Rito Revolto in his attempt to destroy Angel Grove.

  7. Rita and Lord Zedd unleash Vampirus against the Power Rangers' new Zords.

  8. Based on Kimberly's dream, Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd create Artistmole, a monster who steals the color out of life.

  9. Rita and Zedd attempt to steal Adam's heirloom lantern for its power.

  10. Rito and Zedd turn a science teacher into "Marvo the Meanie" as Rocky attempts to teach his class.

  11. Rocky must drop-kick Rita and Zedd to save the Rangers from Centiback, a monster that changes people into footballs.

  12. The Hate Master causes the Power Rangers to fight among themselves and make plans to quit.

  13. Aisha holds the secret to stopping the Hate Master and reuniting the Rangers.

  14. The Face Stealer monster mugs Bulk and Skull for their mugs until it's faced with its own medicine.

  15. Rito's love potion creates havoc in Angel Grove.

  16. The Power Rangers are forced to try to save Christmas -- without their powers.

  17. The Rangers must choose between saving Tommy and stopping Rito's destructive rampage.

  18. Tommy is forced to defend himself against Goldar and Rito.

  19. Zedd and Rita capture Ninjor and his power source with plans to activate a set of dormant Zords.

  20. Zedd uses the kidnapped Kimberly to blackmail the Rangers.

  21. Kimberly's safety depends on the Rangers piloting Zedd's Zords.

  22. Kimberly, Bulk and Skull are taken on a wild ride by the Crabbie Cabbie monster.

  23. Rita vows to keep Kimberly out of the gymnastics competition for the Pan Global Games.

  24. Rita and Zedd use Ninjor to bargain for the return of Katherine.

  25. Kimberly has to make the most critical decision of her life: to stay a Power Ranger or follow her dream of becoming a world-class gymnast.

  26. The junk food Ravenator threatens to destroy Tommy -- from the inside out.

  27. Katherine and Billy try to save the other Rangers from the Brick Bully.

  28. Rita and Zedd change a pet chimp used by Katherine and Aisha for a school project into a Sinister Simian.

  29. Rita's father, Master Vile, arrives to do what she and Zedd have failed to do -- destroy the Rangers.

  30. Master Vile and his evil crew appear to be winning the battle against the Power Rangers.

  31. The Rangers decide that the only way to win against Master Vile is to journey to a distant galaxy.

  32. Master Vile uses Dischordia to try to control the Pink and Yellow Rangers with her voice.

  33. Master Vile turns back time to gain control of Earth and turn the Rangers into helpless children.
