宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Oddbods》奇宝萌兵英文版 第二季全部60集,默片动画无对白,每集大小约200M,资源总大小12.9G,单集播放时长约7分钟,1080P高清MKV格式,可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种设备播放,提供百度网盘下载。

奇宝萌兵英文版 第二季 简介

奇宝萌兵(Oddbods)是由新加坡工作室One Animation制作的英式,新加坡式,加拿大式和美国式CGI动画喜剧电视连续剧。故事发生在一个小岛上,岛里面生活着七个可爱的人物,他们分别是暴躁头、甜心头、泡泡头、犀利头、洁富头、捣蛋头和懒思头,他们每个人物都有自己独特的个性。七位可爱的小人物通过一系列日常生活的搞怪趣事,以轻松欢乐的节奏和喜剧的方式呈现他们不同的快乐心情。角色会发出声音,但没有对白,这使得该系列易于翻译且具有国际性。


奇宝萌兵英文版 第2季 视频截图

奇宝萌兵英文版 第二季 剧集目录

Bubbles' pals are disappearing, but why? Pogo takes a jetpack and gets stuck above the Earth, and Bubbles becomes obsessed with aliens.

The Oddbods accidentally turn into Babybods; Newt can't stop his pet gopher from ruining Jeff's flowers, and Slick gets stuck inside an arcade game.

A spider ruins Fuse's barbecue, party-loving Slick has to think fast when his dad comes for a visit, and Pogo and Bubbles get stuck in the desert.

Jeff suddenly decides to move, Fuse and Slick compete for the attention of a lovely jogger, and Zee is determined to win a race, no matter what.

A perfect picnic is invaded by animals, the gang tries to help Zee after he's hit by a tranquilizer dart, and Pogo and Jeff compete to be best clown.

Zee gives his heart to a stowaway piglet, winning a Robot Wars tournament goes to Bubbles' head, and Jeff's garden is invaded by a pair of birds.

Pogo finds a magic lamp that isn't much fun, Jeff can’t understand why Zee's a better cook, and Bubbles needs Zee to save Oddsville from disaster.

Fuse’s beloved truck runs amok, Pogo’s driver’s license renewal depends on a real stickler, and Fuse helps Newt out-muscle Pogo with a girlie gym.

When the snow starts falling, Pogo starts pranking, Zee comes to the rescue at Jeff's fancy dinner party, and Newt's curiosity gets the better of her.

If one alien is cute, dozens are -- too much. Fuse needs some alone time, but Slick won't take a hint. Pogo's ice cream is a recipe for disaster.

Fuse is reluctant to admit that he needs eyeglasses, Jeff tutors Zee on his manners, and Fuse competes with a drone in his new job as a delivery man.

Slick borrows an invention idea from Bubbles but the result is a disaster, Pogo becomes Fuse's houseguest, and Bubbles finds an ancient artifact.

Fuse faces his fears so he can go skydiving, Zee spins out of control when Bubbles makes cupcakes, and Newt has beginner's luck at fishing.

Slick signs up for Fuse's boot camp fitness training, Newt is misdiagnosed with a rare disease, and Pogo and Jeff have an ice cream sales battle.

Jeff tries to get rid of birds in his garden, Zee looks after his sick friends, and Pogo loses his memory and personality in an accident.

Bubbles accidentally shrinks herself to the size of a bee, Newt and Bubbles take a cross-country road trip, and Jeff slides into a wild, feral state.

Slick tries to lose a hat that Newt gave him, Fuse fights to control his temper while watching sports, and Jeff spreads an itchy condition.

Newt tries to stop Fuse from chopping down a tree, Pogo's snow-day pranks are blocked by a tough trainer, and Newt and Fuse build a treehouse.

A popcorn-loving alien invades the cul-de-sac, Zee babysits his wild niece and nephew, and Jeff tries to learn how to eat hot sauce.

Newt accidentally launches birds into space, everyone but Fuse is obsessed with a new phone game, and Pogo sends Bubbles on a search for the yeti.




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