宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Not Quite Narwhal》独角兽的海底大冒险英文版 第一季,全部27集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(内置多国语言字幕:简体中文,繁体中文,阿拉伯文,捷克文,丹麦文,德文,希腊文,西班牙文,芬兰文,法文,希伯来文,克罗地亚文,印度尼西亚文,意大利文,日文,韩文,马来文,挪威文,荷兰文,波兰文,葡萄牙文,罗马尼亚文,俄文,瑞典文,泰文,土耳其文,乌克兰文,越南文……可以下载后使用播放器选择字幕或者关闭字幕);资源总大小约13.8G,单集播放时长约13~24分钟,1080P高清MKV视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

独角兽的海底大冒险英文版 第一季 资源简介

◎译  名 独角兽的海底大冒险 / 住在海里的独角兽
◎片  名 Not Quite Narwhal
◎年  代 2023
◎产  地 美国
◎类  别 剧情 / 动画 / 儿童 / 冒险
◎语  言 英语
◎上映日期 2023-06-19(美国)
◎IMDb评星  ★★★★★★★★☆☆
◎IMDb评分  7.8/10 from 27 users
◎简  介


这部明亮欢快的剧集改编自杰西·希马的获奖绘本,专为学龄前儿童打造。Not Quite Narwhal 改编自 Jessie Sima 的同名书籍,面向3 到 7 岁的孩子,讲述了名叫Kelp 的独角鲸的日常冒险故事。

独角兽的海底大冒险英文版 第1季 视频截图

独角兽的海底大冒险英文版 第一季 剧集目录

  1. While exploring the seas with Scallop, Kelp gets swept away to a magical place where he can walk — and everyone looks just like him!

  2. Making a rainbow is harder than it looks! Little Kelp's got a lot to learn about being a unicorn, but he'll figure it out in his own way.

  3. After tasting crunchy tacos for the first time, Kelp wants to bring some home for his family. But the ocean keeps turning them soggy!

  4. When rainy weather takes the fun out of a game of Swishbee, Kelp convinces his unicorn pals to think up a new way to play.

  5. Juniper's sister was supposed to help her make a rainbow. Scallop's brother was supposed to help her find shells. Maybe they can help each other out!

  6. The friends find something on the beach that they've never seen before. Is it a head topper, a roly-poly ball or something else? Anything's possible!

  7. Pixie's pet crab leads the crew to an awesome place with plants that glow — and a deep, dark cave that's full of surprises.

  8. There's a Sparkle Soiree in Glimmer Glen! Everyone's invited — and Scallop's determined to find the most sparkliest, most special shell to bring along.

  9. Kelp's ocean friends are swimming through a Whirlie Water Obstacle Course. With a little practice, soon they'll be cruising just like Cruz!

  10. There's a catchy song stuck in Kelp's head, but his friends can't hear it! Can they re-create it by finding the right sounds and putting them together?

  11. The ocean kids are turning part of a sunken ship into a playground, with a hoop tunnel, a clam-go-round — and hopefully a slide. Time to get to work!

  12. After accidentally toppling a boulder that blocks the waterfall, Kelp is shy about using his spark. But life without it isn't nearly as much fun!

  13. Scallop's got big plans for her mom's birthday dance. Kelp and Cruz don't have the right moves, but maybe together they've got everything she needs!

  14. A frustrated Juniper is having big feelings, and they don't feel good! Can her friends help her find a way to get the angries out?

  15. Scallop's scared to see Dr. Sparkletusk for the first time, so Kelp offers to come along. But on the way there, they get lost. Can Scallop lead the way?

  16. When thick fog threatens to cancel Unicorn Land's annual Three Moon Festival, Kelp dives deep to save the day and make wishes come true!

  17. While building a fort on the beach, Kelp discovers something new about his bubble spark, inspiring Pixie to send Juniper a special message.

  18. A big gust of wind blows Juniper's spark seed away right before her special planting party. Will a brilliant idea give her a second chance to shine?

  19. Kelp can't wait to sing a special song about his sister at the Juni Beach Talent Show. But Scallop isn't sure how she feels about sharing it with others.

  20. When Riki asks the unicorn kids to plant-sit, Kelp picks a sad-looking specimen that needs some extra help. Can he figure out how to get it growing?

  21. Ollie and Kelp want to make something yummy for Chef J but can't get the flavors quite right. Maybe a special ingredient from the sea will do the trick!

  22. Cruz is feeling "off," and Kelp is on a mission to make him feel better. But if he can't cheer his friend up, is he letting him down?

  23. Kelp and Scallop are crab-sitting for Pixie and Juniper so they can go visit their grandma. It's a big responsibility — and Crabby's a real clawful!

  24. All the unicorns are expecting Kelp at Sparks Day, and all the narwhals are expecting him at Narwhalicus! He can't possibly celebrate both... or can he?

  25. While searching for shells in the ocean's East End, Scallop comes face to face with a "sea monster" — but it's hardly the scary face she expected to see!

  26. Gooey glops are floating down from the surface and threatening Dad's seaweed crop! Can Kelp and his friends figure out where they're coming from?

  27. Ollie hurt his hoof and can't go on an adventure with his friends, but Chef J's cooking up fun for everyone! All they need is a little imagination.



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