宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Bread Barbershop》面包理发店英文版 第二季,全部26集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(内置多国语言字幕:简体中文,粤语文,印度尼西亚文,韩文......可以下载后使用播放器选择设置字幕或者关闭字幕);资源总大小约7.52G,单集播放时长约14~17分钟,1080P高清MKV视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

面包理发店英文版 第二季 资源简介

◎译  名 面包理发店 / Bread Barbershop / Bread Ibalso / 天才面包理发师
◎片  名 브레드 이발소
◎年  代 2021
◎产  地 韩国
◎类  别 动画
◎语  言 英语
◎上映日期 2021 年 7 月 27 日(韩国)

◎简  介




컵케이크들의 화려한 변신! 천재이발사 브레드와 그의 조수 윌크가 디저트들을 맛있게 꾸며주는 빵집 최고의 메이크오버쇼!!!

In a town filled with food, Bread is a master cake decorator who gives life-changing makeovers that will put any customer in an amazing mood.








面包理发店英文版 第2季 视频截图

面包理发店英文版 第二季 剧集目录

  1. With the goal of saving his father's barbershop, Young Hardtack challenges Master Bread to a match to become the new best barber in town.

  2. When Wilk wonders how Choco begin working at the barbershop, Bread recounts the day of her job interview five years ago.

  3. After his style is called "old-fashioned," Bread starts to lose hair due to stress. Can he find a trendy solution for both problems?

  4. Thanks to a new friend, pop icon Macaron has a memorable birthday when she learns the importance of taking time for new adventures and fun experiences.

  5. When Scoopy leaves home to eat something warm, he begins melting on the sidewalk. Can Bread and friends help this ice cream stay cool and happy?

  6. New police officer Pretzel dreams of becoming a detective. But first, he must catch the Cheesestick Burglars to defend peace in Bakery Town.

  7. Lured in by the chance of finding treasure left behind by a ghostly couple, Bread, Wilk and Choco enter a haunted mansion for a spooky adventure.

  8. When Butter's handsome looks get him into trouble, the star turns to Bread for help with the unusual request to make him less attractive.

  9. Determined to turn Bread into toast, Potato Chip kidnaps Wilk in his basement lab and sends a lookalike robot to the barbershop in his place.

  10. The Cake Queen asks Bread to make a decision when two taiyakis insist they are both the real mother to a baby fish-shaped cake.

  11. The barbershop is busier than ever, and its employees are fried. To refresh, Wilk prepares a team-building event for everyone to enjoy.

  12. When Cheese gets kicked out of the playground because of his smell, he and Sausage come up with an idea to build a play area of their own.

  13. Bread uses his skills to give Gedori a scare when the young crabby snack insists on living in an aquarium with real fish.

  14. In return for a good deed, Wilk is given a magic kettle with a genie inside who offers to grant all of his wishes. Be careful what you wish for, Wilk!

  15. Potato Chip's hair shop has no customers. The starchy stylist invents a computer chip to control and destroy his rival Bread once and for all.

  16. A heartbroken Cheesecake needs Bread's help to look amazing at a wedding where her ex-boyfriend and the princess are getting married.

  17. Bread and Potato Chip make a bet at the arcade: If Bread wins, he gets Potato Chip's car. If he loses, he has to give up a member of his staff.

  18. Left alone with two broken arms after bossing his staff around, Bread thinks on his toes to keep the barbershop customers happy.

  19. Choco is set up on a blind date with Bagel, who seems like a dreamy bachelor on paper but turns out to be a headache for Choco.

  20. Wilk buys a mirror at the antique shop after hearing about its history. Little does he know, the mirror holds a hidden value and a curse.

  21. Princess Cake is lovestruck after getting her heart stolen by Cheese at her birthday party. If only she could see him again...

  22. Wilk has always wished to be as good as Bread. When a fairy makes his wish come true, Wilk switches bodies with Bread and lives out his dream.

  23. On Valentine's Day, Romeo asks Bread to turn him from a chocolate cake to a strawberry cake so that he can finally marry his one true love Juliet.

  24. When news spreads of Bread’s dad visiting the barbershop, the whole town gets in on a plan to turn the barber into a local celebrity.

  25. Feeling rotten about his job after a catch-up with friends, Wilk is asked to participate in a community event. Can he turn super molds into supermodels?

  26. Red Bean Bread visits Bread's Barbershop with his new pupil and proposes Melon Bread and Wilk compete in a hair battle.



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