宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Wakfu》沃土英文版 第一季,全部26集,英语发音,内置英文、简体中文、繁体中文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器选择字幕或者关闭字幕);资源总大小约5.4G,单集播放时长约22分钟,1080P高清MKV视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

沃土英文版 第一季 资源简介

◎译  名 沃土 第一季
◎片  名 Wakfu Season 1
◎年  代 2008
◎产  地 法国
◎类  别 动画
◎语  言 英语
◎上映日期 2008-10-30(法国)
◎IMDb评星  ★★★★★★★★☆☆
◎IMDb评分  8.2/10 from 1,693 users
◎豆瓣评星 ★★★★✦
◎豆瓣评分 8.9/10 from 265 users
◎集  数 26

◎简  介


12 岁的雨果是一个有着特异功能亚兰洛普,志在寻找他的真正家人并揭开沃土的神秘面纱。


沃土英文版 第1季 视频截图

沃土英文版 第一季 剧集目录

  1. Young Yugo's life is forever changed when he discovers that he can create teleportation portals.

  2. Yugo, Percedal and Ruel enter the Forbidden Forest, looking for a way to cure a mysterious disease.

  3. Yugo and his friends travel to the market in Kelba to find a magical map but find it haunted by the Black Crow.

  4. On his way to the Island of Oma, Percedal is taken prisoner and trapped in a bewitched tower.

  5. Yugo and his friends decide to defend the weak Puddlies, who are being bullied by the strong but stupid Taures.

  6. On their way to the Island of Oma, Yugo and his friends stop in the gloomy village of Forfut and encounter the terrible Count Vampyro.

  7. Yugo and friends must find an antidote to save Amalia after she is poisoned by a demonic rose.

  8. When Yugo and his friends visit a village of bakers, they meet Xav, who is preparing for the Best Bread competition.

  9. Ruel is pushed to the limit by a gifted and illusive burglar, but the old Enutrof has more than one secret in his bag.

  10. Yugo and his friends must win the final match of Gobbowl to buy a ship that can get them to Oma.

  11. An older Ruel takes the field against the young team of Lamechester United, convinced he can win.

  12. Ruel decides to bring Yugo, Amalia and Evangelyne into the Gobbowl match against Lamechester United.

  13. Yugo and his friends finally get their ship and set sail toward the Island of Oma. But an unexpected mysterious passenger is also on board.

  14. When a storm shipwrecks our heroes on an island, they are taken hostage to be sacrificed by the Kanniballs.

  15. After being attacked by a sea monster, Yugo and friends are washed ashore on their destination: the island of Oma.

  16. While Yugo explores Oma with Adamai, his friends discover the ruins of a temple that are guarded by a fierce dragon.

  17. Lost in the North, Yugo and his friends wait for the outcome of the battle between Grougaloragran and Nox. The World of 12 is at stake!

  18. Yugo and Adamai search for the Dofus, where Grougaloragran will reincarnate. Meanwhile, their friends start a journey to the Sadida Kingdom.

  19. While Yugo and Adamai continue their search for the Dofus, Amalia returns home, where her brother rules the Sadida Kingdom while the king is away.

  20. Amalia and Evangelyne reach the Tree of Life, heart of the Sadida Kingdom, to warn the king against an imminent attack from Nox.

  21. Yugo and Adamai arrive on the island where Grougaloragran hides his Dofus, but Igol, Nox's vicious bloodhound, is also there.

  22. After wandering the desert near his late master's grave, Percedal will finally learn how to become a true Shushu Guardian.

  23. Yugo and Adamai finally come to the secret sanctuary where Grougaloragran keeps his Dofus hidden.

  24. As the Kingdom of Sadida readies for war, they must prevent Nox's Clock from reaching the island.

  25. Nox arrives on the island and attacks its target: the Wakfu of the Tree of Life. But the Brotherhood of the Tofu, now reunited, shall prevail.

  26. Yugo and Adamai must reach the Eliacube, the power of the Xelor, to win the final battle over the Tree of Life.



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