宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Motown Magic》魔力汽车城英文版 第二季,全部26集,英语发音,内置英文和中文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器选择字幕或者关闭字幕);资源总大小约5.35G,单集播放时长约15分钟,1080P高清MKV视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

魔力汽车城英文版 第二季 资源简介


Motown Magic是由Josh Wakely创作的动画儿童电视连续剧,并为Netflix制作。该系列剧遵循的是Ben,他使用魔术画笔将Motown的街头艺术栩栩如生。Wakely从Motown的音乐中获得了世界范围内的版权,以成为该系列的特色。



魔力汽车城英文版 第2季 视频截图

魔力汽车城英文版 第二季 剧集目录

  1. While touring the museum with Mr. Love, Ben and his friends accidentally bring a T. rex back to life for the first time in 60 million years!

  2. Ben questions his creative mind — and whether the world through the portal is real — when he's told he spends too much time daydreaming.

  3. After Harmony the cat runs off, a superstitious Ben and Jimmy Mack must face their fears to get her back.

  4. When the Loves bring home a chicken that can't lay eggs, Ben takes the bird to meet his magical friends and discovers she's got a hidden talent.

  5. Dancing Machine helps the gang get ready for a big hockey game against the Jives. But can they win against the best team in Motown?

  6. Ben wants to spend quality time with his mom for the first-ever Mom and Son Day. But she's so distracted, it's easier said than done.

  7. While using one of Uncle Rod's inventions to practice for a three-legged race, Ben and Ella get tied together ... permanently!

  8. Ben's dad has the day off, and he's got a long list of things he wants to do with his son. But Ben wants to finish his painting. Can they compromise?

  9. When he's too scared to go trick-or-treating at a spooky house, Ben recruits Jimmy Mack, Dancing Machine and Skywriter to help him be brave.

  10. With Valentine's Day coming, love is in the air — and artistic Ben gets tapped to make heart-shaped cards for everyone in his class.

  11. Ben tells Ella the story of how he first met his pet cat, Harmony, a lost kitty who didn't have a place to call home.

  12. When Angie's dog, Boogie, won't behave for Ben, he takes him through the portal, where they learn to speak the same language.

  13. Ben and Mickey should be working as a team to win their class's quiz-show competition. But Ben's doing all the work — and Mickey's sick of it!

  14. The Loves take too much time to get ready! Can Ben's magical friends help him get his family to Motown's annual fireworks show on time?

  15. When Mickey gets stressed out about an important basketball tryout, Ben and Angie use the paintbrush to help him have fun and relax.

  16. Ben goes undercover when Stephanie and her mom open up a rival bakery that's exactly like the Loves' — down to the recipes!

  17. Ben and his friends try to build a clubhouse — but things don't go as planned. Can Skywriter, Jimmy Mack and Dancing Machine help get the job done?

  18. Angie's upset when she finds out she'll be away for Christmas, so Ben and Mickey plan a special surprise to cheer her up.

  19. When the Loves go overboard with upgrades to impress the Jones family, Ben reminds them that their life is already great.

  20. Bernadette is determined to win the annual Motown Ice Cream Fair with an elaborate cake — but she's got to get it there before it melts!

  21. Bill's boss is coming for dinner, but the house is a mess! Can Dancing Machine help Ben get everything cleaned up in time?

  22. Ben loses his confidence as an artist -- then loses his touch with the Master Piece! But he's the only one who knows how to get his groove back.

  23. When Ella sells Ben's beloved Motown Man toy at a yard sale, Ben asks his magical friends to help him find it again.

  24. Ben is embarrassed about bringing his teddy bear to camp, so he tries to find him a new home where he'll be happy.

  25. Ben must conquer his fear of heights to save Skywriter when her wings get tangled and she's caught between two tall buildings.

  26. Determined to win a museum art competition but faced with a creative block, Ben goes through the portal to get inspired.



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