宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Darwin and Newts》 第一季,全部40集,英语发音,英文字幕;资源总大小约15.7G,单集播放时长约11分钟,1080P高清MP4视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。
Darwin and Newts 第一季 资源简介
科学 儿童 动物| tv-Y | 1 季
首映日期 2018 年 5 月 18 日(新西兰)
制片国家地区: 新西兰
Darwin and Newts are two siblings who discover and experiment with early scientific principles as they explore the natural wonders of their incredible New Zealand home.
Darwin and Newts 第1季 视频截图
Darwin and Newts 第一季 剧集目录
01_Swampy Mess
02_Sailing Away
03_Snail Chase
04_Worm Dance
05_Burpee's Lost Lunch
06_Chasing Rainbows
07_Wapiti's Antler Party
08_Who's Eating the Moon_
09_Darwin's Lucky Fishing Hat
10_Awake at Night
11_Burpee's New Shower
12_Baby Blue Ducks
13_Hiding and Seeking
14_Pumpkin Pulley
15_Monarch Butterfly
16_Burpee's Cousins Come To Stay
17_Manuiti Learns To Fly
18_Crabby Crabs
19_Cheeky Kea
20_The Big Apple Run
21_Our Little Forest Friends
22_The Big Sticky Web
23_Heni Paints a Picture
24_Noisy Newts
25_Burpee and Croakette's Ice Skating Rink
26_Bluey the Penguin
27_Balloon-Powered Rocket Car
29_The Muddy Path
30_The Annual Frog Jump
31_The Treasure Map
32_The Five Senses Games
33_It's Snowing in Kiwifruit Valley
34_The Story of Sheepy
35_The Festival of Bubbles
36_Darwin's Precious Collection
37_Heni's Apple Orchard
38_Garden Emergency
39_Invisible Ink
40_How Thunder and Lightning Work
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