
神秘岛英文版 资源简介

◎译  名 神秘岛 / 神剑传奇 / 克立波之剑
◎片  名 Xcalibur
◎年  代 2001
◎产  地 法国 / 加拿大
◎类  别 动作 / 动画 / 奇幻 / 冒险
◎语  言 英语
◎上映日期 2001-11-01
◎IMDb评星  ★★★★★★★✦☆☆
◎IMDb评分  7.3/10 from 83 users
◎豆瓣评星 ★★★★✦
◎豆瓣评分 9.3/10 from 476 users
◎单集片长 23分钟
◎集  数 40
◎导  演 Alan Best Alan Best
Didier Pourcel Didier Pourcel
◎编  剧 Philippe Druillet Philippe Druillet
◎视觉特效 Philippe Roberge Philippe Roberge
Pedram Goshtasbpour Pedram Goshtasbpour

◎简  介

This is the realm of the future king Arthus and the beautiful, young princess Djana, who uses the enchanted sword to protect the young monarch and his birthright until he is old enough to rule. Xcalibur is a colorful and exciting flight of the imagination populated by heroes, villains, dragons and warrior monks. It explores the knightly virtues of courage, loyalty, love and faithfulness to friends, which the characters develop through an adventurous quest. Like the best of tales, it is an epic journey of romance, adventure and self-discovery.
King Edwan, ruler of a medieval-like Kingdom, is murdered by his treacherous brother Bragan who is in league with the demon Kwodahn. The murder is witnessed by Prince Erwann who, on the late King's orders, steals the sword Xcalibur and hides it. Xcalibur is the only weapon which can defeat Kwodahn. However, after hiding the sword, Erwann is turned to stone.
Erwann's teenage daughter, Princess Djana, finds the sword but when she reaches the Royal Palace it is to learn that Bragan has already taken control of the Kingdom as Regent to Arthus, the 10-year-old son of the late King.
Unable to convince Arthus or the lords of the Kingdom that Bragan is a traitor, Djana goes on the run. She is accompanied by Herek, a young apprentice sorcerer or Shogi, who has been entrusted with the Book of Life, a book of magic spells. There is also Wip, a small bird-like dragon, and Tara, a woman-warrior of the Viking-like People of the Sea, who want the right to settle in a part of the Kingdom.
Djana must now help the local people to face up to Bragan's tyrannical rule and find a way to overthrow him, Kwodahn and Walka the witch. In her quest, she is assisted by Sylphs of the woodland, each of which has a protective Trojan (a Unicorn was the Trojan Protector of Fedora) and are able to summon powers of the natural forces, together with space and time. The Sylphs are assisted by small creatures of the forest, two legged Imps.

神秘岛英文版 视频截图

神秘岛英文版 剧集目录

01 The Sword of Justice
02 The Barbarian
03 The Heart of The Beast
04 The Request For The Just
05 A Charming Prince
06 The Hexed Chessboard
07 The Destiny of the Shogis
08 The Wandering City
09 The Broken Sword
10 The Test of Blood
11 The Slumbering Palace
12 A Second Chance
13 The Lure
14 Nadja
15 I Have Faith in You
16 The Seventh Crystal
17 The Forbidden Experience
18 The Toll Of The Past
19 The Enchanted Forest
20 The Kiss
21 The Strange Sickness
22 The Dragon's Breath
23 The Promised Land
24 The Ice Fortress
25 The Secret of the Sylphs
26 The Return
27 Golden Eyes
28 The Night of the Two Moons
29 The Tournament
30 Presumed Guilty
31 The Invisible Monastery
32 The Initiation
33 Inheritance
34 The Ice Shogi
35 Vivid Memory
36 One Day
37 Love and Duty
38 In The King's Service
39 Quest For Justice
40 The Duel



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