宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Kong: King of the Apes》金刚:猩猩之王英文版 第一季,全部13集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(内置多国语言字幕:简体中文,繁体中文,西班牙文,法文,可以下载后使用播放器选择字幕或者关闭字幕);资源总大小约12G,单集播放时长约24~85分钟,1080P高清MKV视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

金刚:猩猩之王英文版 第一季 资源简介

◎片  名 Kong: King of the Apes
◎年  代 2016
◎产  地 美国
◎类  别 冒险 喜剧 家庭 科幻
◎语  言 英语
◎上映日期 2016-04-15(美国)
◎IMDb评星  ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
◎IMDb评分  5.8/10 from 347 users

2050 年,一名邪恶的科学家计划派出机械恐龙大军,就看金刚和他的朋友们如何展开反击、拯救世界。




It's 2050. San Francisco's Alcatraz Island has a bright future since transforming into the best Natural History and Marine Preserve on the planet. But when the star attraction KONG goes ape, the villain that framed him is free to unleash an army of gigantic robotic dinosaurs on the unsuspecting world. Kong is the only force able to stop these villains. However, Kong is now the world's most hunted fugitive. Fortunately, there are three young humans who are willing to risk their lives to help Kong evade capture, while he battles to save humankind.

金刚:猩猩之王英文版 第1季 视频截图

金刚:猩猩之王英文版 第一季 剧集目录

  1. As baby Kong grows into a powerful ape, Lukas and his scientist father do all they can to protect him. But someone else wants Kong out of the picture.

  2. Lukas, Kong and friends race to save Anita's niece from a giant anaconda, while Richard plots to turn the snake into a high-tech fighting machine.

  3. When Kong is caught stealing diamonds on live TV, Lukas knows something fishy is going on. Can he uncover the truth and save his pal's reputation?

  4. As the team heads to Richard's lab to rescue liger clones, Jonesy finds a way to make Kong invisible. But the camouflage keeps wearing off too soon!

  5. Richard captures one of the team and lays a trap for the others. Kong must confront his biggest fear to save Lukas from a pair of nasty robo-sharks.

  6. In public, Richard plays the hero to set an evil new plan in motion. Danny and Panchi visit the island in disguise to find out what he's up to.

  7. Kong and team scramble to hide from the police and come face-to-face with Richard's latest creation: a robotic T. rex with the mind of Botila.

  8. As Richard sells his biono-bots to armies around the world, Jonesy tries to hack into Botila's system to uncover the grand plan.

  9. A shrink-ray attack leaves a tiny Kong in the clutches of Richard and Botila. And this time, he can't rely on his super strength to survive.

  10. As the team races to stop an alarming new threat in the Arctic, Kong learns to fight on ice and Botila takes a defiant step.

  11. Botila turns the tables on Richard and picks up a disturbing new habit. Lukas and friends consider a surprising request.

  12. As Richard prepares to unleash a swarm of insects armed with sinister powers, Panchi's birthday makes Kong curious about his own birth family.

  13. While Jonesy and Amy deliver the antidote, Lukas and the kids search for Kong. Richard lures the team into a final showdown on the rim of a volcano.



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