宝妈资源网收录的动画片《JoJo & Gran Gran》 第二季,全部40集,英语发音,外挂英文字幕;资源总大小约15.9G,单集播放时长约11分钟,720P高清MP4视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

JoJo & Gran Gran 第二季 资源简介

片名: JoJo & Gran Gran

出品: BBC CBeebies



类型: 动画

语言: 英式英语


JoJo & Gran Gran是第一部以黑人家庭为中心的英国动画,于2020年3月在BBC CBeebies频道首播。它改编自儿童早期教育专家Laura Henry-Allain的半自传体绘本Jo-Jo and Gran-Gran,讲述的是小女孩JoJo和她有趣、聪明的祖母Gran Gran的故事。故事灵感来源于Laura Henry和她自己的祖母的故事。



动画中还穿插了真人场景,真人孩子们谈论或者做类似于 Gran Gran和 JoJo正在做的活动。这也是该动画的特色之一。

整部动画,分为春夏秋冬四个篇章,高清视频,带.srt外挂英文字幕。随着时间流逝,季节更替,JoJo和Gran Gran有不同的事情要做。

这部动画很有教育意义,Gran Gran经常温柔地教 JoJo 一些新东西,比如如何查看天气预报,如何邮寄信件。动画涵盖的主题包括生命周期、季节的流逝、成长、烘焙蛋糕或者赶公交车等活动的顺序等。

JoJo is almost five, and Gran Gran is her wise and loving grandmother. They live close to each other, and Gran Gran always has something fun planned to do when JoJo comes to visit.

JoJo & Gran Gran 第2季 视频截图

JoJo & Gran Gran 第二季 剧集目录

Autumn - 1. It's Time to Celebrate Diwali
Autumn - 2. It's Time to Visit the Aquarium
Autumn - 3. It's Time for a Woodland Walk
Autumn - 4. It's Time to See the Planets
Autumn - 5. It's Time to Celebrate Creole Day
Autumn - 6. It's Time to Bury a Time Capsule
Autumn - 7. It's Time to Go Beachcombing
Autumn - 8. It's Time to Make a Volcano
Autumn - 9. It's Time to Look for Night-time Animals
Autumn - 10. It’s Time to Go to Work
Spring - 1. It's Time to See a Rainbow
Spring - 2. It's Time to Visit the Art Gallery
Spring - 3. It's Time to Press a Flower
Spring - 4. It's Time to Discover Somewhere New
Spring - 5. It's Time to Build a Bug Hotel
Spring - 6. It's Time to Visit the Market
Spring - 7. It's Time to Open a Cafe
Spring - 8. It's Time to Fly a Kite
Spring - 9. It's Time to Play Hospitals
Spring - 10. It's Time to Run a Marathon
Summer - 1. It's Time to Go Swimming
Summer - 2. It's Time for a Family Barbecue
Summer - 3. It's Time for a Boat Ride
Summer - 4. It's Time to Play Basketball
Summer - 5. It's Time to Go Pond Dipping
Summer - 6. It's Time to Meet a New Baby
Summer - 7. It's Time to Visit a Maze
Summer - 8. It's Time for an Indoor Picnic
Summer - 9. It's Time to Search for Seashells
Summer - 10. It's Time to Make Ice Lollies
Winter - 1. It's Time to Play in the Snow
Winter - 2. It’s Time for Pottery
Winter - 3. It's Time to Help at the Farm
Winter - 4. It's Time to Remember Grandad
Winter - 5. It's Time for a Community Newsletter
Winter - 6. It's Time to Build a Scarecrow
Winter - 7. It's Time for a Tea Party
Winter - 8. It's Time for Poetry
Winter - 9. It's Time to Find Monty’s Ball
Winter - 10. It's Time to Make a Sorrel Drink
