宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Ricky Zoom》瑞奇冲冲冲英文版 第一季,全部52集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可以下使用播放器选择字幕或者关闭字幕);资源总大小约23.1G,单集播放时长约12分钟,1080P高清MKV视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

瑞奇冲冲冲英文版 第一季 资源简介


◎译  名 Ricky Zoom
◎片  名 瑞奇冲冲冲
◎年  代 2019
◎类  别 动画/冒险/励志/友情/团队协作
◎语  言 汉语普通话
◎上映日期 2019-06-28(中国大陆)
◎集  数 52
◎简  介


“轮福特镇”是摩托车的家园,这里生活着各种各样的摩托车, 他们是这里的居民! 这些摩托车有各种形状、尺寸和颜色,组成了多姿多彩的世界。 52集独立的故事内容,围绕着主角瑞奇的日常生活展开,瑞奇是一辆渴望速度的红色小摩托,一个天生的领导者,它和一群充满着热情的伙伴们一起探险,共同克服一个又一个困难,朝着自己的伟大梦想出发。







瑞奇冲冲冲英文版 第1季 视频截图

瑞奇冲冲冲英文版 第一季 剧集目录

When Loop gets lost on the way to a Steel Awesome stunt show, Ricky and friends retrace their tracks to find him so that he won't miss out.

While training to get the special Ramp Camp rescue badge, Ricky learns that saving the day is easier — and a lot more fun — as part of a team.

Loop takes his dad's new Vroomboard for a spin around Wheelford. But the Bike Buddies must find a way to stop him when the new gadget loses control.

Ricky and his dad accidentally end up with each other's rescue ramps. It's up to Ricky to switch them back and save the day.

When his cool cousin Dasher stops by and gets all the attention, Ricky gets jealous and starts pretending to be someone he's not.

Officer Bunker's grandson breaks the rules by riding backwards through Wheelford. Can Ricky race in to rescue him before he crashes?

The whole gang is performing at the Steel Awesome Fest. But with a wobbly front wheel, Ricky tries his best to hide it and go on with the show.

Ricky and pals build their own remote controller after watching the latest Steel Awesome film. But it works a little too well on younger sister Toot!

Ricky and buddies set out to collect the clues and reveal the real identity of the mysterious rescue racer, the Wheelford Wheeler!

Right in time for a school project about heroes, Ricky's dad Hank helps out with a rescue when Officer Bunker's brakes stop working.

Ricky helps Toot build a kite for a school project. But they quickly find out they have different ideas about what a cool kite should look like.

Loop's big brother is practicing to break his dad's pizza delivery record. Ricky wants to help but ends up doing more than he should.

Lights! Camera! Action! Ricky and friends are making a movie about Wheelford. But will Ricky learn to share the spotlight with scene-stealing Toot?

Ricky, DJ and Scootio try to keep Loop clean on the way up to Windshield Point so he can impress his dad with the perfect photo from the spot.

Ricky is scared to get his tires changed at Maxwell's garage. But he'll have to face his fears if he wants to avoid causing a disaster on the road.

When the school's race track needs new painted lines, Scootio takes the lead for the project to show her parents how responsible she can be.

Ricky gets stuck inside the new Bike Sphere at the adventure park on the way to helping DJ and his parents.

DJ is picked to pull a Steel Awesome float for the Hero Day parade. Scared he's not strong enough, he thinks he needs special powers to do the job.

Ricky and friends play with a super strong magnet from Maxwell's garage that causes chaos and confusion all around Wheelford.

When Ricky regrets putting his favorite ball inside an underground time capsule, the buddies try to find a way to help him get it back.

Maxwell and the buddies believe aliens are visiting Wheelford, so they chase the mysterious spaceship throughout town to get a closer look.

When a storm sweeps through Wheelford, DJ must face his fear of heights and ride to the top of Windshield Point to fix the town's satellite dish.

Ricky and the buddies go on a bike-along with Officer Bunker but end up having to rescue him when he gets stuck inside an abandoned garage.

Scootio loses the fancy lightbulb for the city's big light show. The friends try to help her find it before the festivities start.

Ricky is chosen to perform a ramp stunt at school in front of his hero Steel Awesome. Will he overcome his nerves and land the big jump?

DJ can't fit into the new playground with his extra wheel, so the friends decide to redesign the place so that he can play there too.

During their day at the adventure park, Ricky's job is to take care of Toot — even if it means heading to the top of the highest ride!

When Ricky ignores his friends to play with Dasher instead, Toot takes advantage and forms a new club with the other buddies.

It's a sports day for the whole family, but Ricky and Scootio will have to remind their competitive moms that races aren't all about winning.

Don the mail bike and Ricky's dad fill in for Officer Bunker for the day. But they'll need Ricky and friends to help get the job done.

Toot's favorite bouncy ball goes missing, so Ricky and crew race around town to get her beloved toy back.

Toot gets blamed for breaking things at Maxwell's birthday party. But Ricky and friends soon find out that things aren't always what they seem.

Ricky and Loop compete to be Mrs. Bikely's crossing guard helper. Will they learn that things might be better if they try to work together?

Using his off-road knowledge, Blip learns to become a better leader during an Easter egg hunt with Ricky and friends.

Officer Bunker puts Ricky and his buddies in charge of patrolling the bike park and enforcing the rules at the Wheelford Fair.

Mrs. Bikely has been falling asleep in class and driving through potholes, so the buddies decide to figure out what's causing her strange behavior.

When Loop accidentally breaks DJ and Scootio's show and tell project, Ricky tries to help him hide his mistake before anyone notices.

While Steel Awesome uses Ricky's parents as research for his next movie role, Ricky works hard to convince his idol that he needs a young sidekick.

Ricky overhears a Steel Awesome movie on his emergency radio and thinks it's an actual plan by evil Mufflerkrunk to hypnotize the whole town.

After finding a special badge that looks like one from their favorite comic book, the buddies believe they now have superpowers.

Officer Bunker gives Loop a medal for getting Buster's ball out of a tree. But the praise gets to Loop's head and leads to trouble.

Toot wants more responsibility around the house, so the Zoom family allows her to work the emergency dispatcher for the day.

When Maxwell sprains his spokes, Ricky and the buddies help him at his garage and realize the job isn't as easy as it looks.

While helping clear a litter spill, Ricky throws out his dad's special emergency light by mistake and tries to get it back before it's recycled.

Ricky and friends are too young to go camping with Maxwell, Blip and Dasher. So the buddies decide to camp out in Ricky's garden instead.

Four gold tickets to the latest Steel Awesome movie premiere are hidden all around Wheelford, and the race is on to find them!

Steel Awesome's new comic book has a shocking plot twist, and Ricky and friends are desperate to find out what it is.

Scootio's robots are supposed to help Maxwell repair things around the garage. But they end up causing an accident that only Maxwell can fix.

After setting up a bike wash, Ricky and friends polish the bikes with too much wax and cause everyone to slip and slide around Wheelford.

Ricky and pals start their own delivery service and promise to be the fastest in town. But they'll have to avoid making too many mistakes.

While trick-or-treating on Wheelo-ween, Ricky and friends think a ghostly motorcycle is driving around town, spooking everyone and stealing treats.

When Santa Cycle crash-lands in Wheelford on Christmas Eve, Ricky and the buddies must help him take to the skies and finish delivering his presents.



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