宝妈资源网收录的电视剧《霹雳双胞胎 The Thundermans》第一季,全部20集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器选择设置字幕或者关闭字幕);资源总大小约19.3G,单集播放时长约23分钟,1080P高清MKV视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

霹雳双胞胎 第一季 资源简介

◎片  名 The Thundermans Season 1
◎年  代 2013
◎产  地 美国
◎类  别 喜剧 / 家庭
◎语  言 英语
◎上映日期 2013-10-14(美国)
◎IMDb评星  ★★★★★✦☆☆☆☆
◎IMDb评分  5.6/10 from 5,521 users
◎导  演 鲍勃·寇贝尔 / Bob Koherr
◎演  员 菲利普·万普勒 / Phillip Wampler | 饰 Jake
琪拉·柯萨林 / Kira Kosarin | 饰 Phoebe Thunderman
洛根·施罗耶 / Logan Shroyer
杰斯·诺曼 / Jace Norman
海莉·朱 / Haley Tju | 饰 Darcy Wong
奥黛丽·惠特比 / Audrey Whitby | 饰 Cherry / Cherry Seinfeld
斯嘉丽·希克斯 / Scarlett Hicks | 饰 Young Phoebe
克丽丝塔·玛丽·于 / Krista Marie Yu | 饰 Ashley

◎简  介

What's more awesome than a superhero? An entire family of 'em! Meet the Thundermans, a not-so average family whose #1 concern is trying to keep their super-human quirks under wraps and lead a normal life. Difficult much? You betcha! Especially when the two oldest siblings -- Phoebe and Max -- share a healthy rivalry that's turbocharged by their top-notch powers! Yup, this whole 'fitting-in' business may just take a little longer than expected...


霹雳双胞胎 第1季 视频截图

霹雳双胞胎 第一季 剧集目录

Phoebe and Max babysit Nora and Billy while their parents enjoy an evening out, but they break a big rule and now have to deal with the consequences.

Max plots to sabotage a dinner party attended by Phoebe's crush but must join forces with his sister when an unexpected guest also shows up.

Max alters his grades to get into Phoebe's advanced class and compete against her in a Math Bowl. Hank, Nora and Billy try to catch a newspaper thief.

A prank war between Phoebe and Max escalates. Hank and Barb try a new approach to parenting in an effort to get the younger kids to do their chores.

Phoebe and Max completely take over Billy and Nora's school projects in an effort to beat each other at the kids' upcoming school science fair.

With their parents away at the reading of a rich uncle's will, Phoebe house-sits a Venus flytrap from school that Max desperately wants to steal.

When they use their superpowers on Ditch Day, Phoebe and Max remember that their school has security cameras and must try to erase the footage.

To help an overcommitted Phoebe, Max clones his sister so she can be in two places at once, but the clone creates more problems than it solves.

To earn money to buy new cell phones, Phoebe and Max get part-time jobs at Wong's Pizza Palace but they're soon in over their heads on a huge order.

The family's superpowers malfunction thanks to a passing comet, forcing Phoebe and Max to reluctantly help each other keep the problems under control.

When the kids damage a new car that Hank bought for Barb as an anniversary present, they're forced to turn to their superhero cousin for help.

A neighborhood watch is formed to catch a mysterious vandal and Phoebe suspects Max -- until she discovers her brother is hiding a different secret.

Max is inadvertently elected class president instead of Phoebe, who becomes his vice president and starts to resent him stealing her good ideas.

Phoebe develops the superpower of "Thundersense" -- sensing danger before it happens -- and uses her newfound ability to impress her classmates.

Phoebe and Max host a cool birthday party with their friends at the Pizza Palace instead of their usual family shindig, but Mrs. Wong ends up frozen.

In order to win a dream vacation, the Thundermans enter a competition but, unable to agree on the destination, they enter as two different teams.

Phoebe uses telekinesis to save her first sleepover and is punished by having to wear an ankle bracelet that prevents her use of superpowers.

The twins team up to take down mean girl Veronica, who sabotaged Phoebe in the choir and manipulated Max into doing her homework for her.

The twins take Billy to the hospital with an injury and Max faints at the sight of a needle, so the others must stop doctors from scanning his brain.

Hank is the new science teacher at Phoebe and Max's school but when he eats turkey sandwiches that make him sleepy, they use their powers to help him.



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