宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Transformers: Rescue Bots》变形金刚之救援汽车人英文版 第一季,全部26集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器选择字幕或者关闭字幕);资源总大小约14.4G,单集播放时长约22分钟,1080P高清MKV视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

变形金刚之救援汽车人英文版 第一季 资源简介

《变形金刚:救援机器人》是一部以玩具制造商孩之宝的《变形金刚》系列为基础的玩具系列,故事书系列和动画机器人超级英雄电视连续剧。Rescue Bots是《变形金刚:机器人英雄》的继任者,其概念与《漫威超级英雄历险记》和《星球大战绝地武士》系列作品相同。救援机器人主要侧重于教育儿童有关危险和安全的知识。

◎片  名 变形金刚:救援机器人/Transformers: Rescue Bots Season 1 /Transformers Rescue Bots 1
◎年  代 2011
◎产  地 美国
◎类  别 动画/冒险/科幻/战斗/机甲
◎语  言 英语
◎上映日期 2011-12-17
◎IMDb评星  ★★★★★★✦☆☆☆
◎IMDb评分  6.4/10 from 914 users
◎单集片长 22
◎集  数 26
◎简  介


变形金刚之救援汽车人英文版 第1季 视频截图

变形金刚之救援汽车人英文版 第一季 剧集目录

The Bots start their new mission, protecting the high-tech island of Griffin Rock, while learning from and working with a family of humans.

The Bots try to convince their new human partners of their value when Cody, the youngest member of the Burns family, finds himself in jeopardy.

Dani gives Blades a new piece of equipment that puts them both on the front lines. But their sudden hotshot status threatens to unravel the team.

A swarm of lobsters overruns the annual Griffin Rock summer festival. But Chase, Blades and Boulder have to battle them without Heatwave's help.

A nosy reporter attempts to prove that aliens have invaded Griffin Rock, causing panic and threatening to expose the Rescue Bots' secret.

After Boulder learns about humans and their domesticated friends, he decides that the Rescue Bots need an animal mascot, too.

Cody supercharges his new go-kart so he can be a part of all the rescues. But in the process, he unleashes a swarm of futuristic nanites.

The Bots become unlikely baby sitters when Cody enlists their help to take care of Doc Greene's new prototype: a lifelike robo-baby.

When a snow machine goes haywire, Cody, his family and the Bots have to battle a blizzard, dig out the town and save Frankie.

While the Bots are deep-sea fishing, a shark starts attacking their equipment, and the team realizes that the beast may be more than it appears to be.

To guard his lab from a mysterious intruder, Doc Greene reprograms the ferocious Dino Bot -- with disastrous consequences for Griffin Rock.

A new scientist on the island threatens to replace the Burns family and their Bots.

When the MorBot replaces the Rescue Bots as the protector of Griffin Rock, Cody has to find proof of Dr. Morocco's villainy.

When a technological mishap miniaturizes the Bots, the Burns family must attempt to work without their partners.

Tenacious Cody finds a clue to a decades-old mystery and makes a startling underwater discovery.

When Cody and Chief go away on a camping trip, the Bots disobey Chief's orders and soon find themselves facing dangerous consequences.

A storm leaves Cody and the Rescue Bots stranded on an island where they uncover the answer to a centuries-old mystery.

When a meteor affects the Rescue Bots, they get help from an unexpected visitor: Bumblebee.

Graham's decision to leave the Rescue Team is put on hold when a giant glob of green goo runs amok on Griffin Rock.

When the residents of Griffin Rock begin to disappear, it's up to Cody and the Bots to figure out why before they vanish, too.

The Rescue Bots find themselves battling unlikely foes: ghosts from Griffin Rock's past, who've returned to terrorize the island's inhabitants.

The Rescue Team searches for a missing Chief and Chase, unaware that the two are trapped in an underground mine.

When mysterious earthquakes shake the island, the Rescue Bots step up to save the day. Unfortunately, Francine Greene records it all on camera.

Using a new techno-suit designed to protect him on rescue missions, Cody gains fame as an unlikely superhero: Rescue Boy.

When Doc Greene experiments with a long-hidden time machine, the Bots, Cody and Frankie make an unexpected trip back to 1939 Griffin Rock.

After time-traveling to 1939, Cody, Frankie and the Rescue Bots return home to find that Griffin Rock has morphed into Moropolis.



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