宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Easy English》,全部127集,英语发音,英文字幕;资源总大小5.56G,单集播放时长约6~15分钟,1080P高清MP4视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

Easy English 资源简介

Easy English原节目名叫Kids’ Pages节目,该提供儿童、家长和教师的教育视频,介绍英语单词,帮助建立和提高词汇,是教育工作者的重要教学工具。



Easy English节目,是2018年9月1日开始在国外Youtube平台上线,目前订阅量213万家庭用户,播放量达9000多万。足以证明这款节目很受用户喜爱。

《Easy English》的情景对话包括不同的主题,都是非常真实的情景记录,虽说动画每一集大概在5~10分钟左右,但是会给娃们营造一个完整的生活场景,孩子们日常能接触上就能有共鸣,然后结合动画展示,碰上难一些的词汇或者句子也不会犯怵,稍微思考一下就能轻松理解。

Easy English 视频截图

Easy English 视频截图

1. At Home - English Conversation
2. Conversation Topics for English Learners
3. Real Life English Conversations
4. Basic English Conversation
5. Let's Just Go with the Flow - English Expressions, Phrases and Idioms
6. Easy English Dialogues- Everyday Life Conversations
7. English Collocations
8. Everyday English Conversation Practice
9. English Conversation Practice
10. Family Life 2
11. Meeting Someone New
12. Everyday Life English Conversations
13. English Small Talk - Everyday Life English Conversations
14. Moving Into a New House
15. An Englishman in New York
16. The English Modal Verbs
17. Family Life- English Conversations
18. Everyday Life English Conversations 2
19. School Life
20. Everyday Life English Conversations
21. Introduce Yourself in five different English Accents
22. Sharing an Apartment
23. What Brings You Here_ - Small Talk in English
24. English Grammar Conversations 3
25. English Grammar Conversations 2
26. English Grammar Conversations
27. A Trip to London
28. Why Should We Hire You_ - Business English Conversation for the Office and Workplace
29. Daily English Conversations 3
30. English Conversations 2
31. Lighten Up and Smile - Phrasal Verbs
32. English Verb Tenses Conversations
33. Introducing Yourself and Meeting New People
34. English Conversations for Daily Life
35. Describing Your Family
36. My Ideal Home
37. How Many Loaves of Bread Do We Need_ - Quantifiers and Partitives
38. A One-Way Ticket, Please
39. Parents and Teachers
40. 10 Years from Now - The Future Perfect Tense
41. Cooking Verbs
42. Words and Expressions for Dating and Relationships
43. At the Airport
44. Are You a Night Owl or an Early Bird_ - A New Roommate
45. Renting an apartment
46. Daily Routines and Household Chores Vocabulary
47. Don't Forget to Live Your Life- Gerunds and Infinitives with Verbs
48. Education Phrases and Idioms
49. The Passive Voice
50. Making Complaints
51. Reported Speech
52. We'd Been Hoping for a Romantic Trip - Past Perfect Continuous
53. Tell Me About Yourself - Job Interview
54. Verbs with Prepositions
55. Have You Gotten Used to Living Here_ - Adjectives with Prepositions
56. Making a New Friend - Verb Collocations
57. That's coming along nicely - Common English Phrases
58. What Do You Usually Have for Breakfast_ - Adverbs and Expressions of Frequency
59. It was meant to be - English Phrases
60. We Went Camping - Irregular Verbs
61. Long Time No See - Common English Phrases
62. Describing People, Places and Things
63. Future Continuous Tense
64. Past Perfect Tense
65. English Idioms 3
66. English Idioms 2
67. English Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
68. English Phrasal Verbs for Everyday Life
69. Talking about Daily Routines with Phrasal Verbs
70. Phrasal Verbs Conversation
71. Some, Every, Any, No & Compounds
72. The Most Important Thing - Comparatives and Superlatives
73. Used To and Would
74. What Have You Been Doing_ - Present Perfect Continuous
75. If I Were You - Conditionals in English
76. What were you doing_ - Past Continuous
77. Nice to meet you! How to Introduce People in English
78. Modal Verbs Conversation
79. Asking for and Giving Directions
80. At the Airport Conversation
81. My Summer Vacation
82. What are you going to do_ Simple Future Tense - Will_ Be Going To_ Be+ing
83. What have you done lately_ Present Perfect Tense
84. What are they doing_ Present Continuous Tense
85. Describing Animals with Simple Present Tense
86. What Did You Do_ Simple Past Tense
87. Talking about Hobbies and Free Time Activities
88. My School Day - Classroom Language and Conversation
89. Talking about Your Home in English
90. Talking about Your Hometown in English
91. Talking about Your Family in English
92. Introducing Yourself in English and Meeting New People
93. Nature Vocabulary and Facts
94. Shopping at the Grocery Store - English Conversation
95. Spring - English Vocabulary
96. Learn the English Alphabet _ The Letters ABC for children
97. At the Restaurant Conversation
98. Talking about Daily Routines
99. Talking about Clothes in English
100. Talking about household chores in English - short dialogues
101. Places Vocabulary in English
102. Clothes & Accessories Vocabulary
103. Christmas - English vocabulary
104. Body Parts Vocabulary
105. Winter vocabulary - Learn to talk about winter season
106. Food and drinks vocabulary
107. Sea Animals, Insects and Birds Names and Sounds
108. Health and Ilnesses Conversation
109. Animal Homes Vocabulary for Kids
110. Feelings and emotions vocabulary
111. Baby Animals Names and Sounds
112. Prepositions of Place and Prepositions of Movement through Conversation
113. Farm Animals, Wild Animals Names and Sounds for kids
114. Hobbies and Interests
115. Describing People's Appearance and Personality Conversation
116. Jobs and Occupations _ Learn English vocabulary about professions
117. Learn Vegetables Vocabulary in English
118. Fruits Vocabulary
119. Transportation Vocabulary and Vehicle Names
120. Learn the Animal Body Parts
121. Opposites Vocabulary in English
122. Action Verbs Vocabulary
123. School Conversation, School Dialogue
124. Daily Routines vocabulary
125. House vocabulary, Parts of the House, Rooms in the House, House Objects and Furniture
126. The Four Seasons of the Year Vocabulary
127. School Objects, Subjects and Building



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