宝妈资源网收录的动画片《JoJo & Gran Gran》 第一季,全部44集,英语发音,外挂英文字幕;每集大小约250M,资源总大小约10.7G,单集播放时长约11分钟,1080P高清MP4视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

JoJo & Gran Gran 第一季 资源简介

片名: JoJo & Gran Gran

出品: BBC CBeebies




类型: 动画

语言: 英式英语


JoJo & Gran Gran是第一部以黑人家庭为中心的英国动画,于2020年3月在BBC CBeebies频道首播。它改编自儿童早期教育专家Laura Henry-Allain的半自传体绘本Jo-Jo and Gran-Gran,讲述的是小女孩JoJo和她有趣、聪明的祖母Gran Gran的故事。故事灵感来源于Laura Henry和她自己的祖母的故事。



动画中还穿插了真人场景,真人孩子们谈论或者做类似于 Gran Gran和 JoJo正在做的活动。这也是该动画的特色之一。

整部动画,分为春夏秋冬四个篇章,高清视频,带.srt外挂英文字幕。随着时间流逝,季节更替,JoJo和Gran Gran有不同的事情要做。

这部动画很有教育意义,Gran Gran经常温柔地教 JoJo 一些新东西,比如如何查看天气预报,如何邮寄信件。动画涵盖的主题包括生命周期、季节的流逝、成长、烘焙蛋糕或者赶公交车等活动的顺序等。

JoJo & Gran Gran 第1季 视频截图

JoJo & Gran Gran 第一季 剧集目录

Autumn - 1. It's Time for Autumn Leaves
Autumn - 2. It's Time to Make a Film
Autumn - 3. It's Time to Build a Den
Autumn - 4. It's Time to Play Football
Autumn - 5. It's Time to See the Moon
Autumn - 6. It's Time to Make Music
Autumn - 7. It's Time to Harvest Vegetables
Autumn - 8. It's Time to Visit the Dentist
Autumn - 9. It's Time for a Birthday Party
Autumn - 10. It's Time for a Treasure Hunt
Autumn - 11. It's Time for Halloween
Autumn - 12. It's Time for Christmas
Spring - 1. It's Time to Post a Picture
Spring - 2. It's Time to Catch the Bus
Spring - 3. It's Time to Check the Weather Forecast
Spring - 4. It's Time for a Spring Clear Out
Spring - 5. It's Time to Find a Butterfly
Spring - 6. It's Time to Bake
Spring - 7. It's Time to Visit the Farm
Spring - 8. It's Time to Make Up a Story
Spring - 9. It's Time to Grow a Flower
Spring - 10. It's Time to Look at Old Photos
Spring - 11. It's Time to Dance
Summer - 1. It's Time for Carnival
Summer - 2. It's Time to Find a Dinosaur
Summer - 3. It's Time to Visit the Library
Summer - 4. It's Time for a Race
Summer - 5. It's Time to Build a Sandcastle
Summer - 6. It's Time to Go to the Hairdresser's
Summer - 7. It's Time to Put on a Show
Summer - 8. It's Time for a Sleepover
Summer - 9. It's Time to Go on Holiday
Summer - 10. It's Time to Pick Strawberries
Summer - 11. It's Time to Ride a Bike
Winter - 1. It's Time to Ice-Skate
Winter - 2. It's Time to Paint
Winter - 3. It's Time to Build a Snowman
Winter - 4. It's Time to Make a Rocket
Winter - 5. It's Time for Night-time Workers
Winter - 6. It's Time to Spot the Birds
Winter - 7. It's Time to Look After Monty
Winter - 8. It's Time for a Jumble Sale
Winter - 9. It's Time to Catch the Train
Winter - 10. It's Time for a Special Visitor
