宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates》海岸船长和ABC海盗英文版,全部26集,英语发音,外挂英文字幕;每集大小约75M,资源总大小2.22G,单集播放时长约8分钟,1080P高清MP4格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

海岸船长和ABC海盗英文版 资源简介

动画名称:Captain Seasalt & The ABC Pirates 海岸船长和ABC海盗


《Super Simple Songs》是赞好声不断的英语儿歌,也是英语启蒙的好资料

Super Simple Songs现在是国内大部分的双语幼儿园,英语培训机构、早教中心都在使用的教学资源。

今天给大家推荐的是这套是Captain Seasalt & The ABC Pirates 海岸船长和ABC海盗,是学英语字母与自然拼读的动画。

Join Captain Seasalt and his curious band of pirates as they explore the 26 Islands of the alphabet. An adventure in the ABCs awaits on each island, but more importantly, so does a treasure! Climb aboard for a vocabulary-building adventure on the high seas!(加入船长 seasalt 和他的好奇海盗队,他们探索字母表的26个岛屿。每个岛屿代表一个字母。每个岛上都有冒险的经历,但更重要的是,还有宝藏!登上船,在公海上进行词汇积累探险!)

视频内容除了要学习字母之外还有对应包括单词 ,如“A”,“ant”,“apple”等都是小学必背的高频词哦!


海岸船长和ABC海盗英文版 视频截图

海岸船长和ABC海盗英文版 剧集目录

1. Alphabet Adventure on 'A' Island _ Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates
1. Alphabet Adventure on 'A' Island _ Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates
2. Buried Treasure on 'B' Island _ Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates _ Cartoons For Kids
2. Buried Treasure on 'B' Island _ Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates _ Cartoons For Kids
3. Crazy-Cool Adventure on 'C' Island _ Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates
3. Crazy-Cool Adventure on 'C' Island _ Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates
4. A Daring Adventure on 'D' Island _ Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates
4. A Daring Adventure on 'D' Island _ Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates
5. An Exhilarating Expedition on 'E' Island _ Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates _ Cartoons For Kids
5. An Exhilarating Expedition on 'E' Island _ Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates _ Cartoons For Kids
6. A Fantastic Adventure on 'F' Island _ Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates
6. A Fantastic Adventure on 'F' Island _ Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates
7. A Grand Adventure on 'G' Island _ Learn The Alphabet with the ABC Pirates
7. A Grand Adventure on 'G' Island _ Learn The Alphabet with the ABC Pirates
8. A Hidden Treasure Hunt on 'H' Island _ Alphabet Cartoon For Kids
8. A Hidden Treasure Hunt on 'H' Island _ Alphabet Cartoon For Kids
9. Alphabet Cartoon - An Incredible Adventure on 'I' Island
9. Alphabet Cartoon - An Incredible Adventure on 'I' Island
10. Alphabet Cartoon - A Joyful Journey on 'J' Island with the ABC Pirates
10. Alphabet Cartoon - A Joyful Journey on 'J' Island with the ABC Pirates
11. Alphabet Cartoon - The ABC Pirates have a Kickin' Adventure on 'K' Island
11. Alphabet Cartoon - The ABC Pirates have a Kickin' Adventure on 'K' Island
12. Alphabet Cartoon - A Looney Adventure on 'L' Island with the ABC Pirates
12. Alphabet Cartoon - A Looney Adventure on 'L' Island with the ABC Pirates
13. Alphabet Cartoon - The ABC Pirates have a Magical Adventure on 'M' Island
13. Alphabet Cartoon - The ABC Pirates have a Magical Adventure on 'M' Island
14. Alphabet Cartoon For Kids - A New Adventure on 'N' Island with the ABC Pirates
14. Alphabet Cartoon For Kids - A New Adventure on 'N' Island with the ABC Pirates
15. What will the ABC Pirates discover on 'O' island_
15. What will the ABC Pirates discover on 'O' island_
16. Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates discover a delicious Prize on 'P' Island _ Cartoon For Kids
16. Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates discover a delicious Prize on 'P' Island _ Cartoon For Kids
17. A Quirky Quest on 'Q' Island _ Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates
17. A Quirky Quest on 'Q' Island _ Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates
18. Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates Race to Find Treasure on 'R' Island
18. Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates Race to Find Treasure on 'R' Island
19. Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates go on a Spectacular Adventure on 'S' Island
19. Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates go on a Spectacular Adventure on 'S' Island
20. Alphabet Cartoon - A Terrific Adventure on 'T' Island with the ABC Pirates
20. Alphabet Cartoon - A Terrific Adventure on 'T' Island with the ABC Pirates
21. Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates go on an Unbelievable Adventure on 'U' Island
21. Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates go on an Unbelievable Adventure on 'U' Island
22. A Valorous Voyage on 'V' Island with Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates
22. A Valorous Voyage on 'V' Island with Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates
23. Alphabet Cartoon - A Whimsical Adventure on 'W' Island with the ABC Pirates
23. Alphabet Cartoon - A Whimsical Adventure on 'W' Island with the ABC Pirates
24. Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates have an Exciting Expedition on 'X' Island
24. Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates have an Exciting Expedition on 'X' Island
25. Yes! Captain Seasalt and his ABC Pirates search for a Yummy Treasure on 'Y' Island
25. Yes! Captain Seasalt and his ABC Pirates search for a Yummy Treasure on 'Y' Island
26. Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates go on a Zany Adventure on 'Z' Island
26. Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates go on a Zany Adventure on 'Z' Island



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