宝妈资源网收录的动画片《The Garfield Show》加菲猫的幸福生活英文版 第一季,全集52集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器选择设置字幕或者关闭字幕);每集大小160M,资源总大小10G,单集播放时长约12分钟,720P高清MKV格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

加菲猫的幸福生活英文版 第一季 资源简介

Lazy, lasagna-loving fat cat Garfield lives life on his own terms, which includes teasing his geeky owner, Jon, and tormenting dimwitted dog Odie.

千万不要冒犯他哦,他会让你灰头土脸;千万也 别小瞧他哦,你无法抗拒他可爱的眼神,搞怪的行为。

制片国家/地区: 法国


加菲猫的幸福生活英文版 第1季 视频截图

加菲猫的幸福生活英文版 第一季 剧集目录

There is a space invasion and the aliens look like Garfield's favorite meal: lasagna. / A bluebird is locked in a garage. Who will care for her eggs?

Garfield goes trick-or-treating as a scary Catzilla. But the real Catzilla has just escaped from the zoo. / Odie switches brains with Garfield.

Garfield thinks Odie found a dinosaur bone, so he goes to the museum. / A salesman has sold Jon a cleaning robot, which is annoying his two pets.

Garfield and Odie are scared from a horror movie, and they won't let Jon in the house. / A fake secret agent is trying to steal Garfield's friends.

Squeak and his family have taken up residence in Garfield's house, to Jon's despair. / Garfield's favorite restaurant is in jeopardy.

Nermal is staying with Garfield for 10 days -- and he's eating all his food. / After a night drying on the clothesline, Pookie has disappeared.

Garfield is really unhappy about his new diet. / Jon's having trouble sleeping. Dr. Somnambulo's machine, the Hypno-tron, might solve his problem.

Jon finds an old accordion, and Garfield will do whatever it takes to get rid of it. / Jon has won a live turkey but can't bring himself to eat it.

Odie is put in the city pound and Garfield has to get him back. / Odie falls in love with a brush, and a jealous Garfield makes the brush disappear.

On a new TV show, Jon and Garfield are found to be incompatible. / Odie finds a pot of gold. The owner grants all the wishes Garfield can think of.

Each time the moon comes out, Odie feels a bit strange, and odd things happen under Jon Arbuckle's roof. / Liz's parents are coming over to meet Jon.

Jon and Garfield visit Jon's brother Doc Boy, a farmer in the countryside. / There's a pet show in town, and Garfield has to compete with Nermal.

Liz brings home an old enchanted mirror that opens a door toward ancient Egypt. / Two devilish girls want to play dolls with Garfield and Odie.

Odie explores the underwater world with Garfield. / Jon wants to give Liz a family portrait, but taking the picture will be a grueling experience.

Garfield climbs into an outer space traveler's car, which sends him into parallel worlds. / Garfield finds a watch that can stop time.

Liz leaves her pet fish with Jon while she's out of town. Garfield wants to make it his dinner. / A cute little wolf becomes Odie's new friend.

When Sir Leo goes on vacation, Garfield takes his place and becomes a celebrity. / A new invention pulls Garfield into the TV.

Garfield is stuck in a world where cats take the place of humans. / The postman left his route to Stewart, who hasn't encountered Garfield's traps.

Jon sends Garfield to Dr. Whipple's show to learn how to be a well-behaved cat. / Jon's cousin passes away and leaves his fortune to Jon and Doc Boy.

Garfield, Odie and Nermal are competing for the prize of "best Christmas singer." / Garfield changes the recipe of Odie's cake, and it comes to life.

Upset with Garfield, Odie befriends a neighbor named Nathan. / Garfield's history of dogs isn't flattering, but he discovers they do have some use.

Watching Odie and the squirrels, Garfield sees fun times ahead. / Squeak and his friends beg Garfield to take them to a theme park made of cheese.

Nermal has a demand before giving Pookie back to Garfield. / Garfield gets stuck in a tree, and when everyone tries to help him, they get stuck, too.

Garfield tries to convince Nermal superheroes exist by disguising himself as Ultra Powerful Guy. / A helmet allows Garfield to read everyone's minds.

Garfield mocks Odie's dreams of being a superhero. / Nermal bets Garfield that if Garfield doesn't eat for an hour, he won't see Nermal for a month.



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