宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Bakugan: Battle Planet》爆丸之星域争霸英文版 第一季 全部97集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器设置字幕字体大小颜色或者切换关闭字幕);每集大小约500M,资源总大小50.9G,单集播放时长约11分钟,1080P高清MKV格式,可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种设备播放,提供百度网盘下载。

爆丸之星域争霸英文版 第一季 简介

《爆丸5星域争霸》又名: 爆丸:战斗行星是一部由加拿大、日本和美国合制的电视动画,于2019年6月起在台湾播放。不同的是,第一至第四季原为Sega Toys制作,由本作开始改为Takara Tomy制作,以全新故事为题材。

内容讲述地球上第一批能召唤神秘外星生物——爆丸的孩子——古泽丹和他的好朋友的冒险故事,故事情节将围绕“友谊”, “战斗”和“决战”。


爆丸之星域争霸英文版 第1季 视频截图

爆丸之星域争霸英文版 第一季 剧集目录

Twelve years after a strange event on Earth, Dan awakens an intimidating creature — and his new partner. He and his pals engage in their first battle.

Dan lands in a Bakugan duel to stop a threat at a local burger joint. The Awesome Ones deal with a group of admirers using their Bakugan recklessly.

The Awesome Ones confront a neighborhood bully who claims to be the best Bakugan brawler. Wynton's comedic antics put him and his Bakugan at odds.

A Bakugan ban forces the AO to find a new place to battle — until chaos strikes. After being issued a challenge, Lia faces fierce competition.

A pair of new brawlers puts their talents to the test for a spot on the AO. Later, the group crosses paths with a hunter when a Bakugan goes missing.

Lightning finds a new Bakugan, sparking a fiery feud between Artulean and Howlkor. A news exposé puts the AO in a vulnerable position.

A rival brawler crew challenges the AO to a risky, winner-take-all battle. To save a park, the group feels pressure to join a Bakugan league for money.

After meeting Lupitheon, the AO soon find their Bakugan under someone else's control. When Dan starts behaving oddly, Lightning sniffs out a phony.

The Awesome Ones end up in an underground maze where they meet a zealous fan bent on battling them. Lia steps up when pollution plagues a Bakugan field.

Dan's intense battle against Magnus reveals a Bakugan's evolved form. A cryptic call about a missing Bakugan sends the AO to an eerie location.

Faced with a life-changing Bakugan battle, Shun fights to stay with the AO. With Dan and Shun at odds about leadership, a new threat arises.

Shun receives a visit that yields terrible news — and an unexpected opponent. Drago and the AO Bakugan seem to have a strange vision in their slumber.

Looking to expose a cheater, the AO discover they are under surveillance. They later meet Benton Dusk and battle Philomena Dusk's AAAnimus agents.

After learning of a Bakugan prison, the AO head to the labyrinth world of Vestroia, where danger awaits. Then, they work together to find their way out.

Stuck in the maze, the Bakugan must deal with a different version of the AO. After exiting Vestroia, the crew is excited to return home — but have they?

When a dark force takes over the Bakugan, Drago and the AO must use a special energy source to stop it. Tiko later attempts to corrupt a Core Cell.

After the AO make it out of the maze, they put their advanced brawling knowledge to the test. Later, they wonder what to do with a bear-like Bakugan.

As Shun battles his cousin, the AO attempt to evolve their Bakugan. But first, they must figure out how to tap into the Core Cell — and keep Shun home.

Always filming the Bakugan, Lia tries to learn how to evolve Pegatrix. Dan attempts to trick the AO as Duran Dane looks to duel with an evolved Bakugan.

After locating a hidden Core Cell, Dan and Wynton run into an old enemy. Later, Colonel Tripp controls Wynton's mind and sets off a Bakugan feud.

When Dan challenges Magnus and the Brawlers, he gets caught in a volcano eruption. Lightning unearths the Mind Core Cell's location and fights Strata.

After learning of the new Core Cell, the AO find Magnus and his team already protecting it. Dan and Magnus then compete in an epic showdown.

Frustrated that they can't get close enough to protect the Core Cell, the AO agree to a suspicious job offer from Philomena at AAAnimus headquarters.

The AO take to the sky for a tricky brawl when they move the Mind Core Cell by helicopter. Research work gives the crew more than they bargained for.

A mysterious link between the AO and the Core Cell has scary consequences. The truth about Philomena's plan to create a perfect world is exposed.

To foil Philomena's plot, the AO enter into an uneasy alliance with Benton. An epic Bakugan face-off puts the partners to a physical and emotional test.

The AO's new adventure begins on a tropical island that's not as tranquil ⁠— or deserted ⁠— as it seems. An alarming discovery changes their mission.

An exciting invitation and a Core Cell signal bring the AO to the land of Brakistan and its strange young king, a superfan and wannabe brawler.

On the lam in Brakistan, the AO don wacky disguises. Lia teaches a smitten Lord Brakken some hard lessons in love, life and brawling.

Dan and Wynton's new video endangers their secret mission. The AO and Magnus meet again as they hunt for a Core Cell and encounter its fierce protector.

Following a strange signal, the AO discover a powerful operation on a man-made island. Shun reunites with his estranged dad and faces a hard choice.

Drago has a disturbing vision but Shun's dad won't heed the warnings. Masato unleashes a powerful threat that pushes the partners to brave extremes.

A weirdly happy Benton treats the AO to a luxe pool party just as they begin doubting his open-source plan. An old foe returns, stronger than ever.

It's all work and no play at a theme park where Benton discovers a new gate. Strata suddenly springs from the maze acting strangely, worrying the AO.

The AO have a breakthrough with the raging Golden Bakugan, Trhyno, who shares scary news. Magnus and Dan brawl again, this time on dangerous new ground.

Magnus's newfound power comes at a frightening cost. The AO catch wind of Tiko's evil plan, but don't know how to stop it. Dan hides a dark secret.

Drago's suspicions are confirmed before he and Dan battle a life-or-death brawl. In his fight against Tiko, Magnus summons a different kind of strength.

Benton discovers the V-Virus's powers. Later, his behavior seems peculiar as the young brawlers learn of Vestroia's ecosystem.

On a mission in Brakistan, the AO find the palace — and Lord Brakken — are stranger than ever. The friends must use their wits to get out of a bind.

During their next mission, the AO must battle a surprising opponent. Afterward, a conversation changes everything they know about Core Cells.

The AO grows suspicious of Benton and puts him to the test. Following the result, they are forced to visit an old rival for advice.

When the world's children lose their Bakugan, the AO must rally to stop it. Later, a confrontation with Colonel Tripp overwhelms Wynton.

Lia meets a rival, China Riot, and gets thrown into a surprise contest. The AO also visit Shun's father only to make a revelation about the Core Cells.

Shun's cousin, Masato, appears with stunning news for the AO. Shun then makes a plea to his father to make the right decision.

While the AO takes on enemy forces, they strike an alliance with a former foe. Later, this new union hurls them into a risky rescue mission.

As the AO regroups from their rescue mission, they discover a way to heal a fallen ally. However, a major threat attempts to stop them.

The Core Cells come under attack — and the AO only has one way to protect them. Meanwhile, Dan finally learns the truth about Tiko.

Tiko prepares for his biggest target when Shun receives a shocking family visit. Afterward, unexpected allies join the AO to defend their planet.

The AO and its allies plan a crafty defense for Tiko and his forces. During the mighty battle, a powerful hero emerges.

Tiko reveals his true form during an epic showdown against the AO. During this final fight, Dan hopes an emergency plan will save the world.



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