宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Teletubbies 2022》天线宝宝(重启版)英文版 第一季,全部26集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(内置多国语言字幕:简体中文,繁体中文,阿拉伯文,捷克文,丹麦文,德文,希腊文,西班牙文,芬兰文,法文,希伯来文,克罗地亚文,印度尼西亚文,意大利文,日文,韩文,马来文,荷兰文,挪威文,波兰文,葡萄牙文,罗马尼亚文,俄文,瑞典文,泰文,土耳其文,乌克兰文,越南文......可以下载后使用播放器选择字幕或者切换关闭字幕);资源总大小约15.6G,单集播放时长约15分钟,1080P高清MKV视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

天线宝宝(重启版)英文版 第一季 资源简介

◎译  名 天线宝宝(重启版) / 天线宝宝2022版 / 新天线宝宝 / 天线宝宝:梦想再出发
◎片  名 Teletubbies/Teletubbies Re/Teletubbies Reimagined
◎年  代 2022
◎产  地 美国 / 加拿大
◎类  别 动画 / 歌舞 / 奇幻
◎语  言 英语
◎上映日期 2022-11-14(美国)
◎IMDb评星  ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
◎IMDb评分  5.0/10 from 30 users
◎演  员 泰塔斯·伯吉斯 / Tituss Burgess | 配 旁白
杰里米·克拉奇 / Jeremiah Krage | 饰 丁丁 Tinky Winky
尼克·凯灵顿 / Nick Kellington | 饰 迪西 Dipsy
丽贝卡·海兰 / Rebecca Hyland | 饰 拉拉 Laa-Laa
蕾切尔·贝纳特 / Rachelle Beinart | 饰 波 Po
朱莉娅·普洛 / Julia Pulo
◎编  剧 阿什利·科莫 / Ashley Comeau
安德鲁·达文波特 / Andrew Davenport

◎简  介

网飞于宣布,将重启知名儿童节目《天线宝宝》系列,将讲述色彩丰富的朋友(colorful friends),即Tinky Winky、Dipsy、Laa-Laa和Po,在21世纪全新版本中展开的神奇冒险。该重启系列将于11月14日上线。同时,该重启节目将由曾出演过《我本坚强》的美国黑人演员 泰塔斯·伯吉斯 (Tituss Burgess)将担任旁白主持人/画外音。





天线宝宝(重启版)英文版 第1季 视频截图

天线宝宝(重启版)英文版 第一季 剧集目录

  1. The Tubby Custard Machine is making Tubby Custard bubbles — lots and lots of bubbles. And the Teletubbies are having fun chasing and popping them!

  2. The Teletubbies wait for delicious Tubby Toast, then wait for Dipsy to come down the Dup Dup to answer the Tubby Phone and lead them in a dance.

  3. The Teletubbies form a pop group and make music for everyone, with Dipsy on drums, Laa-Laa on trumpet, Po on piano and Tinky Winky on the mic!

  4. The Teletubbies take turns saying hello and giving each other big hugs. Then they say hello to the flowers. Friendship is fun!

  5. Tubby Custard goes everywhere when Laa-Laa brings a big orange ball down into Home Dome. Good thing the Noo-Noo is there to clean it up!

  6. When the Tubby Phone rings, Dipsy comes down on the Dup Dup to answer it — then Dipsy goes back up again! Time for the Dipsy Tubby Phone Dance!

  7. The Teletubbies run races, and each has a chance to win. Later, when the Tubby Phone rings, there's a race to reach it, too!

  8. The Teletubbies play choo-choo and take turns being in front before following the Tubby Custard Machine on a spinny, bubbly Tubby Custard Ride!

  9. After a fun waving game with the adorable Tiddlytubbies, the Teletubbies say goodnight and wave their little friends off to Sleepybyes.

  10. The Tubby Custard Machine takes the friends on a Tubby Custard Ride that splats Tubby Custard all over the walls — and the Teletubbies, too!

  11. It's party time! The Teletubbies celebrate with balloons, noisemakers and lots of sparkles before visiting the Tiddlytubbies and doing a fun party dance.

  12. A funny joke makes Tinky Winky, Laa-Laa and Po laugh — but not Dipsy. When Dipsy does a silly dance though, the Teletubbies all laugh together.

  13. When the Tubby Phone flashes purple, Tinky Winky answers and leads the Tubby Phone Dance! Later, the friends watch the Tiddlytubbies fall asleep.

  14. Tinky Winky keeps standing between Laa-Laa and the beautiful flowers — but Laa-Laa likes looking at Tinky Winky just as much.

  15. Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po do a roundy round dance that's so much fun they all fall down! Will the Tiddlytubbies like it, too?

  16. The Teletubbies stand up straight to see who's the tallest and who's the shortest. Then, Tinky Winky and Po play a game with the Tiddlytubbies!

  17. Tinky Winky puts Dipsy's hat inside the red bag, then the Noo-Noo vacuums them both up! Later on, the Teletubbies do a suitcase dance.

  18. The Teletubbies love the Tubby Custard Ride that makes music — and yummy custard — and has fun, flashing lights! So they ask to go on it again and again.

  19. Po makes funny sounds with the levers and buttons inside Home Dome. Then the Tubby Phone rings, sparking a silly Tubby Phone Dance!

  20. After conga dancing over the hills, the friends conga into Home Dome to answer the Tubby Phone and do a special conga Tubby Phone Dance!

  21. Four Teletubbies, four flowers — and four pieces of Tubby Toast! Counting to four is fun, especially when you're counting with friends.

  22. The Teletubbies are tired after doing lots of exercise to stay fit. But after eating some Tubby Custard, they're ready for action again!

  23. Tinky Winky can't sleep and goes outside to play so he doesn't disturb his friends. But his noisy footsteps on top of Home Dome wake them up instead!

  24. When a red balloon floats into Teletubbyland, Po leads the Tubby Phone Dance in a special episode that's all about Po's favorite color.

  25. Eh-oh! Dipsy's hat has fallen into a puddle and gotten wet. But soon the sun shines, the wind blows and Dipsy's hat is dry again!

  26. The friends do a brand-new dance, first in pairs and then all together. The Teletubbies love dancing — and they love each other very much!



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