宝妈资源网收录的动画片《The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!》戴帽子的猫英文版 第一季 全部80集,英语发音,内置英文字幕,内置多国语言字幕,如芬兰文,法文,瑞典文,西班牙文,葡萄牙文等多国字幕…(可以下载后使用播放器设置字幕字体大小颜色或者关闭字幕);每集大小约450M,资源总大小36.4G,单集播放时长约12分钟,1080P高清MKV格式,可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种设备播放,提供百度网盘下载。

戴帽子的猫英文版 第一季 简介

 著名的Dr. Seuss想必大家比我还要了解,上一期文章推送了他的绘本和音频,其中就有超级有名的只有236个单词的绘本《The cat in the hat》,孩子们估计已经看得滚瓜烂熟。好吧,既然每个人都知道,我们今天就不谈论这个绘本,讨论一下和这个绘本有关的一个系列动画--《万事通戴帽子的猫The cat in the hat knows a lot about that》,这个动画和绘本不是完全改编而来的,只是借用了人物角色和部分故事梗概,而且还保持了Dr. Seuss绘本的一贯语言风格和幽默情趣。如果你的孩子喜欢Dr. Seuss的绘本故事,那么这个动画系列一定也是他的“菜”!

戴帽子的猫对此知道很多!是加拿大-英美-动画电视连续剧,于2010年8月7日在加拿大的Treehouse TV上首播,2010年9月6日在美国的PBS Kids上首映,在英国的CITV和Tiny Pop上也首映。该视频还在2012年至2013年的工作日早晨在加拿大的YTV上播出。


戴帽子的猫有两个邻居,他们是6岁的Nick和Sally,还有一条鱼,和Thing One和Thing Two。Nick和Sally这两个小邻居总是有些稀奇古怪的问题。每次戴帽子的猫总是驾驶神奇飞船"Thinga-ma-jigger",带着Nick、Sally和小鱼一起进行科学探险。这个神奇飞船是小朋友的大爱,飞船有各种神奇的功能:能展出翅膀,能变成浮桥,还能助推火箭,能改变大小。


这个系列的动画类似于其他PBS儿童系列,比如《Curious George好奇的乔治》 and《Sid the Science Kid西德科学小子》,但是这个系列专注于向学前儿童介绍科学概念,因此它的语速和用词相对以上两个系列比较简单,但是对于国内的孩子来讲,还是有一定的难度,建议三年级有一定听力和词汇基础的孩子观看。

戴帽子的猫英文版 第1季 视频截图

戴帽子的猫英文版 第一季 剧集目录

Queen Priscilla Buzzoo invites Sally and Nick to join in the bee dance to learn how to make honey; the kids learn how and why birds migrate.

The Cat takes Nick and Sally on an adventure to meet animals that stay up all night; the kids meet a hermit crab who's looking for a new shell.

Nick and Sally visit an ant colony and learn that teamwork makes almost anything possible; Mrs. Robin shows the kids how to build a nest.

The Cat brings Nick and Sally to the biggest sandbox they'll ever see; Nick and Sally learn how whales communicate by singing.

Nick and Sally meet three different creatures that depend on flowers to live; the kids have just built a "snowcat," but it's starting to melt!

Mindy the caterpillar shows Nick and Sally how she makes silk; Nick and Sally have been playing in the mud, and now they need to get clean!

The kids learn how different animals spend their entire lives in trees; Nick and Sally are playing hide-and-seek, but Sally keeps getting found!

Nick and Sally explore each level of the rain forest; Slyde the snake shows Nick and Sally how he sheds his skin when it gets too small for him.

Nick and Sally get to try out different animal tails in the jungle; with the help of Betty Beaver, Nick discovers a new way to play the drums.

Nick and Sally learn how fireflies communicate by flashing their lights; the kids learn about all the different ways snails use their shells.

After a fun race with a penguin and a gull, Sally and Nick learn that not all birds fly; the kids try to fly a kite, but there's not enough wind.

Nick and Sally meet one of the best dancers in the world; the Cat introduces the kids to Zapata the bat, who teaches them about echolocation.

The Cat takes Nick and Sally on a pirate adventure; Terry the termite teaches Nick and Sally how to build a tower that won't wiggle and wobble.

Stan the bower bird teaches Sally and Nick how to decorate with almost anything; Larry the limpet shows the kids how to hang onto rocks.

Nick and Sally learn how to jump from grasshoppers, a kangaroo and a flea; Onslow the sloth shows Nick and Sally that it's good to be slow sometimes.

Cat takes the kids to meet an expert on rainbows; learning about different animals' paws, hooves and feet helps Nick and Sally solve a mystery.

Sally and Nick are so excited to go ice skating tomorrow that they can't fall asleep; Sally and Nick learn how trees "eat" through leaves and roots.

Nick and Sally follow Sam the salmon on her incredible journey upriver; giant panda Zhu Zhu shows the kids all the fun things you can do with bamboo.

Nick is trying to make his mother a surprise lunch, but she keeps coming into the kitchen; Nick can't remember where he put his yo-yo.

Sheldon the tortoise teaches Nick and Sally an important lesson about friendship; the kids learn how to milk a cow on Finola's farm.

Nick and Sally can't find their sled under the snow; Mabel the spider teaches Nick and Sally how to weave a web.

Cat takes Nick and Sally to meet a variety of single-celled creatures; Nick and Sally are going on an adventure, but how are they going to get there?

Luis the armadillo teaches Nick and Sally how to somersault; Grayson the wolf pup shows the kids how wolves howl to communicate and find each other.

Diggery the earthworm shows Sally and Nick how plant roots need water, air and compost; Rocky the winter wren helps the kids learn how to whistle.

Sally and Nick learn how Whiffy the skunk protects himself with his own special smell; Sally and Nick want to make scary Halloween masks.

Nick and Sally are trying out their new rubber boots, but they keep getting stuck in the mud; the Cat takes Nick and Sally to a coral reef.

Sally and Nick learn how different animals stay cool; Themba the elephant shows Sally and Nick all the different things she can do with her trunk.

Bernadette the monarch butterfly teaches Sally and Nick all about fluttering; Pinkie the flamingo shows the kids some dance moves.

Aurilia the angler fish guides Nick and Sally to the very bottom of the ocean floor; the kids learn why the puddle in their backyard has disappeared.

Nick and Sally meet creatures who use kelp for both food and protection; the kids wish they were tall enough to get their ball out of a tree.

The Cat in the Hat takes Sally and Nick trick-or-treating; the kids meet King Cecil the Seahorse, who takes all his babies wherever he goes!

Nick and Sally set off on a safari with the Cat to find all kinds of stripes; the kids go to Finola's Farm to learn how to get wool from sheep.

Eddy the honeyguide bird helps Sally and Nick attract customers to their café; Charlie the chimpanzee teaches Sally and Nick how to swing from a rope.

Nick and Sally learn that guinea pigs love playing hide-and-seek; Walker the water strider shows Nick and Sally how he can stay on top of the water.

Sandy the sand hopper teaches Sally and Nick the difference between natural "garbage" and human-made trash; the kids learn about conserving water.

The Cat introduces Sally and Nick to a snow leopard, a cheetah and a lion; on Finola's farm, Sally and Nick learn how to turn wheat into flour.

A group of meerkats shows Sally and Nick how to camp safely in their backyard; Sally and Nick learn how leaves help trees make food.

Sally and Nick meet animals with different hairstyles; Polly the polar bear introduces the kids to the different kinds of ice that make up her home.

Sally and Nick are trying to guess what they'll be when they grow up; Sally and Nick can't seem to find Harvey the guinea pig.

Nick and Sally visit the magical Garden of Seasons; the kids and their friends have a party for Candy, a goose who's flying south for the winter.



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