宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Doc McStuffins》小医师大玩偶英文版 第一季全集52集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器设置字幕字体大小颜色或者关闭字幕);每集大小约420M,资源总大小22.1G,单集播放时长约12分钟,1080P高清MKV格式,可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种设备播放,提供百度网盘下载。

小医师大玩偶英文版 第一季 简介

Doc McStuffins是由Brown Bag Films制作的美籍爱尔兰动画儿童电视连续剧。它由克里斯·尼(Chris Nee)创作并执行制作,并于2012年3月23日在迪士尼频道,迪士尼少年频道和小小流行音乐节目上首映。该系列讲述的是一个可以在玩具朋友的帮助下“修理”玩具的女孩。

《Doc McStuffins》(玩具小医生)是迪斯尼出品的学龄前儿童动画系列,秉承迪斯尼动画一贯的风格,画面绚丽、剧情丰富、角色性格鲜明,每一集中都配有不同的歌曲,旋律非常好听悦耳。
该动画讲述了一个叫“麦芬(McStuffins)”的6岁小女孩,拥有与玩具沟通的能力,在Lambie、Stuffy、Hallie和 Chilly几位密友的帮助下,为玩具们治好了各种奇难杂症。动画围绕友谊、勇气、宽容、协助等主题,给孩子们传递关于“善与美”的信息。

小医师大玩偶英文版 第1季 视频截图

小医师大玩偶英文版 第一季 剧集目录

Episode 1
Knight Time / A Bad Case of the Pricklethorns
Donny's toy knight needs a bath before playing "Save Princess Lambie"; Doc treats Boppy after he lands in a rose bush.

Episode 2: Out of the Box / Run Down Race Car
Out of the Box / Run Down Race Car
A little jack-in-the-box is afraid to get a checkup, so his father sets an example by going first; Doc recharges a race car that's lost its energy.

Episode 3: Tea Party Tantrum / Blast Off!
Tea Party Tantrum / Blast Off!
Doc must get to the bottom of why Susie Sunshine, a doll, is throwing a tantrum; a toy space alien needs mending after crashing its rocket.

Episode 4: Engine Nine, Feelin' Fine! / The Right Stuff
Engine Nine, Feelin' Fine! / The Right Stuff
Doc refills Lenny, a toy fire engine whose holding tanks have run out of water; Stuffy the dragon rips his tail, but he doesn't want to ask for help.

Episode 5: Gulpy, Gulpy Gators! / One Note Wonder
Gulpy, Gulpy Gators! / One Note Wonder
Doc treats Gustave, a green toy alligator that's swallowed too many marbles; while being repaired, Alma's xylophone toy, Xyla, loses a key by accident.

Episode 6: Arcade Escapade / Starry, Starry Night
Arcade Escapade / Starry, Starry Night
Doc treats a toy giraffe after she's injured in an accident at the arcade; Doc helps bring things into focus for a telescope with fuzzy vision.

Episode 7: Ben/Anna Split! / That's Just Claw-Ful
Ben/Anna Split! / That's Just Claw-Ful
Alma's "Huggy Monkeys" must be separated when one of them needs to stay overnight at the clinic; Doc helps Hermie, a toy crab, when his arm is hurt.

Episode 8: A Good Case of the Hiccups / Stuck Up
A Good Case of the Hiccups / Stuck Up
Doc tries to figure out why Millie the microphone keeps repeating herself; Doc discovers Will's toy bulldozer has a problem.

Episode 9: Rescue Ronda, Ready for Takeoff / All Washed Up
Rescue Ronda, Ready for Takeoff / All Washed Up
Doc examines Luca's helicopter, Rescue Ronda, when she's grounded with a stuck propeller; Donny's toy robot, Robot Ray, shuts down when he gets wet.

Episode 10: The New Girl / Wrap it Up
The New Girl / Wrap it Up
Doc prescribes plenty of exercise for a new doll with weak legs; when his bandage needs to be changed, Niles the crane is afraid to get a new one.

Episode 11: Rest Your Rotors, Ronda! / Keep on Truckin'
Rest Your Rotors, Ronda! / Keep on Truckin'
Rescue Ronda must take time out to rest and heal after she breaks her propeller; Donny's toy truck has trouble keeping still while being painted.

Episode 12: Blame it on the Rain / Busted Boomer
Blame it on the Rain / Busted Boomer
Doc helps Alma's stuffed cow dry out after she's soaked in a downpour; a soccer ball with a fear of needles refuses to be reinflated.

Episode 13: The Dark Knight / Hallie Gets an Earful
The Dark Knight / Hallie Gets an Earful
Doc helps Sir Kirby overcome his fear of the dark; Doc steps in to help Hallie when she has difficulty hearing.

Episode 14: Break Dancer / Bubble Monkey
Break Dancer / Bubble Monkey
Doc helps Bella the ballerina after she breaks her leg while dancing; Doc tries to determine why a bubble monkey has stopped blowing bubbles.

Episode 15: Out in the Wild / A Whale of a Time
Out in the Wild / A Whale of a Time
Doc treats Robot Ray after he hurts his arm while camping; a whale who thinks she's too small gets some help with growing.

Episode 16: The Rip Heard Round the World / Walkie-Talkie Time
The Rip Heard Round the World / Walkie-Talkie Time
Lambie is injured in an accident while dancing with Doc; Doc must help reunite a pair of walkie-talkies after one loses his antenna.

Episode 17: Un-Bur-Able / Righty-On-Lefty
Un-Bur-Able / Righty-On-Lefty
Stuffy falls into a bush and ends up covered with burrs; Donny's toy superhero can't walk correctly, but he doesn't want to admit he has a problem.

Episode 18: Hallie's Happy Birthday / Shark-Style Toothache
Hallie's Happy Birthday / Shark-Style Toothache
Doc and the gang throw a surprise birthday party for Hallie; Donny's toy shark cracks his tooth, but the other toys are scared to help treat him.

Episode 19: Awesome Possums / The Bunny Blues
Awesome Possums / The Bunny Blues
Doc must reunite a lost baby toy opossum with its mother; Alma's stuffed bunny ends up in a box at a yard sale when she thinks Alma doesn't like her.

Episode 20: Get Set to Get Wet / Loud Louie
Get Set to Get Wet / Loud Louie
Doc teaches a mermaid doll named Melinda how to swim; Doc must help Louie, a loud-talking toy cell phone, adjust his volume switch.

Episode 21: Caught Blue-Handed / To Squeak, or not to Squeak
Caught Blue-Handed / To Squeak, or not to Squeak
Doc investigates a strange blue rash that's infected all the toys in the clinic; Doc, Lambie and Stuffy help Marvin the duck find his lost squeaker.

Episode 22: Doctoring the Doc / Hot Pursuit
Doctoring the Doc / Hot Pursuit
The clinic crew pitches in to nurse Doc when she falls ill and is forced to take a sick day; Doc helps cool down an overheated toy police car.

Episode 23: Boo-Hoo To You! / It's Glow Time
Boo-Hoo To You! / It's Glow Time
Doc helps a trembling toy ghost conquer his fear of Halloween frights; Doc treats a tired Glo-Bo, who's lost his ability to glow in the dark.

Episode 24: Chilly Gets Chilly / Through the Reading Glasses
Chilly Gets Chilly / Through the Reading Glasses
Chilly goes into a deep freeze when he insists on staying outside with a snowman the gang built; Doc examines a stuffed owl with poor eyesight.

Episode 25: My Huggly Valentine / Dusty Bear
My Huggly Valentine / Dusty Bear
Lambie gets jealous when a new toy gets all the attention at a Valentine's Day party; a dusty teddy can't figure out why Donny won't play with him.

Episode 26: Bronto Boo-Boos / Brontosaurus Breath
Bronto Boo-Boos / Brontosaurus Breath
A toy brontosaurus named Bronty must learn to play gently with his smaller new friends; Doc and the gang teach Bronty how to brush his teeth.



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