宝妈资源网收录的动画片《HERO:108》水火108英文版 第二季 全集52集,英语发音,内置英文字幕,可以下载后使用播放器选择字幕或者关闭字幕(字幕的字体大小颜色也可以自己设置);每集大小约400M,总大小21.7G,单集播放时长约12分钟,1080P高清MKV格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

水火108英文版 第二季 资源简介


《水火108》是由唐阳明创作、改编自《水浒传》,在卡通频道及其国际有线网络,以及美国Kabillion OnDemand频道播放的动画影集。系列由Taffy娱乐制作,游戏橘子、红鹰动画、Telegael和特纳娱乐网络国际协助。2010年3月1日首演。

《108好汉》里有一群年轻勇敢的守卫者,他们在一个秘密王国里同入侵的动物战斗,守护着人类领土的安全。这个小组又叫突击一分队,成员包括大无畏的林冲(又名豹子头),大力雷,神秘索尼娅和跳跳鬼脸等等。他们一同对抗喷火狮虎,邪魔斑马和喷射骆驼等等凶猛的野兽。   改编自中国传统故事《水浒传》,结合西方先进动画技术和冒险动作片的种种元素,充满新鲜刺激,是中西方文化碰撞下的佳作。

Season 2
Long ago in The Hidden Kingdom, animals and humans lived together in peace... until the evil HighRoller convinced the animals that humans were their enemies. Luckily there is a rebel force of young heroes known as First Squad. They will have to face off against a variety of fierce creatures, like fire-breathing Ligers and magic lantern-wielding Zebras, if they are going to win back the kingdom.


水火108英文版 第2季 视频截图

水火108英文版 第二季 剧集目录

    1. 1. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 201 The Rise of Lin Chung - Part I

      During a time of great doubt, Lin Chung is reunited with his martial arts master. Now in spectral form, Tien Khuan gives Lin Chung three fighting tasks. As he battles Firefly King, Rhino King and Shark King -- the forces of air, earth and water -- he learns to use a new power.
    2. 2. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 202 The Rise of Lin Chung - Part II

      Lin Chung's Harmonic Energy comes in handy when he's pitted against Hidden Kingdom's most powerful enemy. TwinMasters, a terrifying force of chaos incarnate, is a foe bent on bringing First Squad to its knees and ultimately destroying Big Green.
    3. 3. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 203 Terra Cotta Warriors

      When Woo the Wise comes up with a scientific cure for Mr. No Hands' curse (when unbound, Mr. No Hands cannot stop tickling himself), Mr. No Hands proves to be an amazing fighter. As First Squad is called to battle an invincible Terra Cotta zombie army created by the Zebra Brothers lantern magic, Mr. No Hands' abilities appear to be saving the day... until they get out of control.
    4. 4. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 204 Strongest Punch and Kick

      The Zebra Brothers kidnap Mystique Sonia and use her as bait to lure First Squad to the Eastern Citadel. Their plan works and Lin Chung and team arrive to find HighRoller has a couple of new warriors; Kangaroo and Gorilla King combine to form the outrageous fighter Gorillaroo while HighRoller combines with Bearstomp to form HighStomp.
    5. 5. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 205 Star Nosed Moles

      ApeTrully and First Squad investigate a call from villagers being swallowed up by the ground itself. Our heroes soon find themselves in an amazing underground cavern, at the castle of the wayward Star-Nosed Moles. The creatures quickly capture all but ApeTrully and Lin Chung. Together our heroes must save their team, free the villagers and, ultimately, the Moles from a giant falling stalactite.
    6. 6. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 206 Prince of Seagulls

      After an ill-advised attack against Big Green, Seagull King and his son decide to join the rebel cause. Once inside the turtle shell base, the haughty Seagull King puts everyone down, including his princely offspring. Lin Chung takes the young gull under his own wing and teaches him to fight, which comes in handy as the Flying Squirrels are rampaging.
    7. 7. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 207 Stingray

      When the Zebra Brothers dump trash in Big Green's lake, the Stingray King mistakenly blames First Squad. Woo the Wise retrofits the Big Green recycling machine to clean up the mess, but nearly shreds the Stingrays instead of the trash. Lin Chung's Harmonic Energy saves the fish from a dreadful end and Stingray King, as a measure of his gratitude, puts the Zebra Brothers on clean-up duty.
    8. 8. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 208 Pangolin Castle

      There's a thief in Big Green. When the villain turns out to be a baby raccoon that Mystique Sonia has secretly adopted, Meanwhile ApeTrully has been captured by Pangolin Queen and turned into her special pet. Now First Squad must fight the Pangolin warriors as they combine to form a Wooden Giant. When First Squad wins the day, Pangolin Queen must give up her ApeTrully pet.
    9. 9. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 209 The Lizard King

      After First Squad defeats the Lizards in battle, Lizard King offers to join Big Green and learn more about human behavior. Back at the base, Lin Chung quickly grows suspicious of the King's true intentions. Turns out Lin Chung is right. While Lizard King is showing off his artistic capabilities, he literally photo-freezes everyone but Lin Chung and tries to turn them over to the TwinMasters.
    10. 10. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 210 The Fruiter

      When Mystique Sonia is struck by a poison dart dipped in Mysinchew, she begins to grow hair all over her body. The only cure is sap from the legendary Humbata trees. First Squad goes in search of these mysterious roving plants and their paranoid shepherd, The Fruiter. Too bad HighRoller knows the sap can also increase strength twenty-fold.
    11. 11. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 211 Big Baby Turtles - Part I

      The Zebra Brothers have stolen a magical amulet from the Owl tribe. First Squad chases the bad boys down, but just as they were in reach, their turtle mounts poop out. Back at base, ApeTrully offers the turtles a much-needed break, but Mighty Ray, still infuriated, hurts their feelings. Feeling unloved the turtles leave and fall into HighRoller's hands.
    12. 12. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 212 Big Baby Turtles - Part II

      While First Squad searches for the turtles, Mighty Ray trips and swallows a turtle egg, gradually turning him into a turtle. When First Squad is forced to battle their own turtles, Mighty Ray is able to speak their language and bring them back from the brink. He eventually coughs up a baby turtle and gains a special place in the turtles' hearts.
    13. 13. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 213 Duo Cannon

      While HighRoller convinces the Caterpillar King and tribe to serve as his minions and supply him with silk to make a liquid alloy that encases anything it hits in metal, Woo the Wise is back at Big Green showing off his new invention. It's a Twisting Corn Cannon. Mighty Ray tries it out, but ends up shooting his turtle's shell and cracking it.
    14. 14. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 214 Second to None

      While answering a report of trouble at Yak Castle, Second Squad finds TwinMasters waiting for them. When he hits the team with chaotic energy and turns them into his puppets, they return to Big Green and capture First Squad. Back at Yak Castle, the kidnapped First Squad must fight for their lives, and those of their zombified compatriots.
    15. 15. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 215 Resurrection of T-Rex

      When First Squad, ApeTrully and Crocodile King travel to the far North to investigate reports of animals and humans fleeing for their lives, they come across the work of TwinMasters. The villain has resurrected a T-Rex and, along with him, a Primitive Man. A battle ensues, but when Lin Chung saves the Croc King's life, the Primitive Man switches sides.
    16. 16. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 216 The Hamster King

      When the Zebra Brothers convince Hamster King that Big Green is mistreating children, the family-oriented rodent overreacts and heads out to seek revenge, leaving the Zebras to babysit the babies. Meanwhile, ApeTrully asks Mighty Ray to babysit the baby turtles while the adults are on a training mission. When Hamster King arrives, Mighty Ray brings the babies with him.
    17. 17. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 217 The Return of the Pterodactyls

      ApeTrully gets word that a human village is under attack by pterodactyls! While Lin Chung works with the Air Force to fight off the strange beasts, the rest of First Squad and the Army find an old friend. The Fruiter is back and mad. Turns out the Bald Eagles attacked his trees and the sap turned them into flying dinosaurs. They spit toxic goop that turns Jumpy into a giant prehistoric rabbit.
    18. 18. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 218 Shadow Monster

      HighRoller's plot to overthrow TwinMasters is truly maniacal. Using the Zebra Bros. magic, he summons a Shadow Monster and lures First Squad to its home in the forest. During combat, the Monster steals each of the Squad members' powers and brings them back to the East Citadel for HighRoller's evil use. Now First Squad has to fight for their lives by using their wits alone.
    19. 19. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 219 White Crane

      When the Zebra Brothers attack First Squad with a moonlight lantern spell, they turn the boys of First Squad into completely opposite versions of themselves. Not only are they now girls, they are girls with major complexes. Mystique Sonia is thrilled to finally have the guys understand her, until their lack self-confidence gets in the way of major battle with Crane King and his Origami Warriors.
    20. 20. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 220 Animal Collector

      When ApeTrully and the Calabash Army disappear in the Dark Forest, First Squad deploys. Surprisingly they find their friends and many other animals suspended in goo-like holiday ornaments hanging from tree branches. Turns out they are all the collection of the Slug King and his warriors and they're not about to give up their menagerie. After a hard battle, Slug King sees the error of his ways.
    21. 21. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 221 The Eyes of Mighty Ray - Part I

      When HighRoller and his Fying Fish minions steal Mighty Ray's magic eyeballs during an attack, Hidden Kingdom is in grave danger. TwinMasters uses their powers to create a storm of unequalled chaotic energy. As First Squad deploys, team members are amazed to learn that Mighty Ray is highly adept at fighting blind; he's done it before.
    22. 22. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 222 The Eyes of Mighty Ray - Part II

      ApeTrully must lead Mighty Ray and First Squad deep into the Monkey King's temple, reveal the true source of Mighty Ray's fantastic orbs and seek assistance. The Monkey King shows Mighty Ray how to "see" out of his eyes when they are used by TwinMasters. First Squad quickly finds TwinMasters' hiding place on Mt. Hima, but in order to beat their enemy, Mighty Ray must risk going blind... forever.
    23. 23. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 223 The Sword of Dark Fire

      Evidenced by a terrible disturbance brewing over its tomb, the ancient Sword of Dark Fire has been unearthed. With the power to destroy entire animal castles or even Big Green, First Squad must destroy the sword before it falls into the wrong hands. In a race to beat HighRoller to the magical weapon, Lin Chung and team must fight the Beetle Army, Cave Eels and the undead Guardians of the Sword.
    24. 24. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 224 Revenge of the Commander of Darkness

      ApeTrully and First Squad are paying a visit to Koala Castle in hopes that the peaceful King and his tribe will join Big Green and its fight for peace. Unexpectedly, they are met with an extremely aggressive response. Little do they know that the Commander of Darkness has made a "transformative" potion from the ear wax of a Giant Centipede and disguised himself as Koala King.
    25. 25. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 225 The Ghost Ship

      When the sea kings and queens of Big Green are hypnotized and drawn back to the ocean, First Squad, Sammo, and the Sailor Brothers must investigate. Joined by Lady Green, an amazing sea warrior, the rebels soon find the source of the problem -- a giant Lantern Fish has been entrancing the sea kings in order to get them to join his evil army.


  • 26. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 226 Enter the Dragon

    The Commander of Darkness is at it again! He's brewed a new potion and now can control dragons! During an airborne assault on Big Green, he kidnaps Mystique Sonia and takes her to his lair in the strange rock formations known as the Caves of Teipeto. First Squad and the Air Force deploy, and a hair-raising aerial battle ensues. Meanwhile, Mystique Sonia works some magic of her own.
  • 27. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 227 Jeffyfish Jam

    While performing routine sea maintenance, First Squad is attacked by jellyfish. Of course, jellyfish stings are never nice - but these pack an extra mini-punch, shrinking First Squad to miniature versions of their former selves. Quickly scooped up by the Zebra Brothers, First Squad and the Jelly Fish King find themselves fish-napped.
  • 28. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 228 Fox King and the Arachno Tanks

    When ApeTrully and the Calabash Tanks are attacked in the desert and driven back to Big Green by highly dangerous Arachno Tanks, First Squad is sent to investigate. Even on their turtle tanks, First Squad is soon outmaneuvered by the agile Spider Tanks and their crafty leader, the Fox King.
  • 29. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 229 Ninja Fight

    The Rabbit King, a.k.a. Jumpy GhostFace, has always had a way with insects. He's now even managed to befriend Big Green's testy Beetle King. It's a good thing too, as a bunny sentry arrives to explain that Rabbit Castle is under attack by an army of Mantis - as well as Jumpy's old rival for the crown, Spotter. Against Jumpy's wishes, First Squad attempts to help in this personal fight.
  • 30. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 230 Demon Heartland

    When TwinMasters uses Yan Ching as a pawn, the Jelly Fish King unwittingly delivers First Squad and Big Green into a dangerous trap. Lured to the island hiding place of TwinMasters' Demon Heart, Big Green is attacked by Sea Elephants armed with squid bombs. Once ashore, they are soon trapped inside the cave that holds the heart itself - which turns out to be a ticking time bomb.
  • 31. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 231 Sloth King

    Calls for help are coming in from a nearby village. The humans are being attacked by creatures moving so fast they are impossible to identify. Upon arrival, First Squad sees the signs of the attack, but not the attackers. The only animals around are slow moving Sloths. Sonia has been practicing "Super Chi" movements and can see that the mysterious creatures are really sloths in disguise.
  • 32. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 232 Leech King

    When the Lion King unwittingly brings a "virus" into Big Green, it quickly spreads. And, it's a particularly creepy bug - it's literally leeches. The slimy creatures can take on the form of whomever they touch creating a clone that's under their control. All but Lin Chung are quickly under the Leech spell, but Lin Chung sees through the ruse and fights for the freedom of Big Green.
  • 33. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 233 The Third Squad

    HighRoller is kidnapping random animals. When First and Second Squads deploy, they quickly learn why. HighRoller has stolen the magical amulets of QiGong, which allow bodies to combine to form a united and ultimately, more formidable foe. HighRoller is now part human, bear, cheetah, ox and python and can wield each animal's individual strengths.
  • 34. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 234 The Seahorse Temptation

    After the Sea Horse King and his clan help save First Squad from a Flying Fish attack, they're invited to join Big Green. Except for Lin Chung, First Squad is amazed that the Sea Horses fit in their hands so perfectly and wrap their tails around their wrists in order to become shooting weapons. Not only is this strange bond suspicious, it appears to be growing stronger and taking over.
  • 35. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 235 Animals Inside - Part I

    When ApeTrully is kidnapped by HighRoller's minions and held prisoner in the East Citadel, First Squad must figure out a way to sneak into the heavily guarded Palace and save their commander. Lin Chung suggests that the human members of the team enter the Spirit Cave where legend has it, magical powers will turn them into animal versions of themselves - the perfect disguise.
  • 36. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 236 Animals Inside - Part II

    TwinMasters has turned the Commander into a zombie version of himself. Following Jumpy's advice the First Squad humans tap into their animal selves to become instinctively powerful fighters. The Commander is saved and returned back to his old self, but as Jumpy suspected, his human friends are a little sad to return to normal.
  • 37. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 237 The Dark Below

    When TwinMasters forces the Oyster-Ranha King to unleash chaos in the ocean's "Trench of Lost Souls," it creates a giant wave endangering a nearby island. Big Green sends Sammo and the Air Force to the rescue. But just as First Squad saves the animal inhabitants, Lady Green catches up with them to reveal that more trouble is brewing.
  • 38. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 238 Collision Course

    TwinMasters' powers are in full gear and as a wayward asteroid passes by, he changes its course - guiding it directly toward Hidden Kingdom. Fortunately, Woo the Wise has a contraption that will get First Squad up to the rock and allow them to redirect its trajectory. But is this a one-way ticket with no possible way for First Squad to return home?
  • 39. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 239 Gladiators

    When First Squad is captured by a raving mad Minotaur, he forces them to serve as gladiators for his own entertainment. Matters get worse when he pits them against each other in a fight to the death. Lin Chung thinks fast and asks his teammates to help him fake a battle that looks intense, but ultimately allows him to destroy the power grid that keeps them trapped.
  • 40. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 240 Monster Castle

    When Jumpy takes a heavy dose of Chaotic Energy during a battle with TwinMasters, his imagination literally comes to life. Whenever Jumpy sleeps, the monsters he dreams up come alive. Back at Big Green Woo must come up with a solution before the creatures escape and harm innocent citizens of Hidden Kingdom.
  • 41. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 241 The Yeti & Phoenix

    After a crushing defeat from TwinMasters, First Squad returns to Big Green to regroup, and Lin Chung heads to the forest to find his balance. While Lin Chung seeks the advice of Tien Khuan, his former master, TwinMasters plans the demise of First Squad by transforming Polar Bear King and Bald Eagle King into a giant Yeti and Phoenix.
  • 42. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 242 Roto-Wolves

    After an attack by Roto-Wolves (flying helicopter-like creatures that shoot boomerangs), Lin Chung finds himself injured and lost in the Barbed Iron Forest. First Squad comes to his rescue, but Sonia and Ray can't stop bickering over who is in charge and they fall in to a Roto-Wolf trap that includes Lin Chung.
  • 43. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 243 Cyber Animals

    HighRoller teams up with an evil inventor named Infinitum in yet another attempt at doing First Squad in once and for all. Turns out Infinitum is an old school mate and nemesis of Big Green's Woo the Wise and would like nothing more than to exact revenge on the guy who got him kicked out of school for cheating.
  • 44. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 244 Highroller Hydra

    HighRoller steals a magical amulet that turns him into a monstrous, four-headed hydra. Capable of fighting with ice, air, fire and water - HighRoller attacks Big Green. In order to save their headquarters, First Squad draws HighRoller Hydra away - all the way to TwinMasters' lair- where the two baddies face off.
  • 45. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 245 Teammates

    Mr. No Hands is fed up with Mighty Ray and Mystique Sonia's inability to work together and decides it's time they learned a real lesson about teamwork. He sends them off together to a far away canyon to retrieve the juice of the Grakka plant. However, unbeknownst to Mr. No Hands, TwinMasters has turned the ants of the canyon into monster beings and the two heroes fall into their trap.
  • 46. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 246 Marine Mine

    The Blowfish have aligned themselves with HighRoller and are attacking Big Green with a vicious "Spine Barrage." After a hair-raising battle, First Squad holds back the Blowfish Warriors, while Sammo "torpedos" Lin Chung toward a one on one fight with the Blowfish King.
  • 47. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 247 Time to Go Home

    In a freak occurrence, Lin Chung is sent back in time to meet a young Prince named Yang Tu with a heart that's growing evil. Lin Chung tries unsuccessfully to show the boy the error of his ways. A classic battle ensues, the force of which pulls Lin Chung back to present time in Hidden Kingdom but leaves him with the knowledge that he met the young TwinMasters and was unable to save him.
  • 48. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 248 About Faces

    The always-scheming HighRoller manages to touch Lin Chung with a "Transference Scepter" - effectively transferring their personalities into each other's bodies. Now HighRoller has total access to Big Green - but likewise, Lin Chung is now able to learn the weaknesses of the East Citadel and what TwinMasters fears the most - a harmonious energy alliance among the animals.
  • 49. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 249 The Bronze Giant - Part I

    Lin Chung is on high alert. He senses chaos is poised to destroy Hidden Kingdom. And this insight could only mean one thing: TwinMasters is preparing for an ultimate attack on Big Green. When TwinMasters arrives covered in a strange "energy cocoon", he is invincible and destroys Big Green's headquarters.
  • 50. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 250 Swamp Hippos

    ApeTrully receives an unusual report. The Dog Pack, loyal members of Big Green, are attacking human villages. Wu Sung, the Dental Warrior, knows that his brother, the Dog King, has had difficulty leading a domesticated life and vows to stop him from causing more destruction. But when Wu Sung and First Squad arrive on the scene, things aren't as they seem.
  • 51. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 251 The Bronze Giant - Part II

    Among the ruins of Big Green, we find First Squad with a handful of animal Kings left at their sides. TwinMasters' power is quickly depleting the life energy from Hidden Kingdom. Lin Chung finds a design he had made of a Bronze Giant - the power points of which include all 107 heroes of Big Green. It is Hero: 108, and if Lin Chung can bring the heroes together, Big Green just may have a chance.
  • 52. Hero 108 Season 2: Ep. 252 The Professionals

    With new orders from TwinMasters, HighRoller attacks First Squad. But, as the battle ensues, First Squad finds two formidable new enemies in their midst - a half-human, half-snake bounty huntress and another who appears to be half-lion, half-man. The two manage to capture First Squad and put them on a snake train headed for TwinMasters' lair.




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