宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Johnny Test》实验小达人强尼英文版 第二季,全部20集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(内置多国语言字幕,简体中文,繁体中文,阿拉伯文,捷克文,丹麦文,德文,希腊文,西班牙文,芬兰文,法文,希伯来文,克罗地亚文,匈牙利文,印度尼西亚文,意大利文,日文,韩文,马来文,葡萄牙文,俄文,瑞典文,土耳其文,乌克兰文,越南文等,可以下载后使用播放器选择设置字幕或者关闭字幕);每集大小约300M,资源总大小6.05G,单集播放时长约14分钟,1080P高清MKV视频格式,可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种设备播放,提供百度网盘下载。

实验小达人强尼英文版 第二季 资源简介




Johnny Test是由Scott Fellows创建的加拿大动画系列,由WildBrain为Netflix开发。该系列于2021年7月16日首映,是2005年同名系列的复兴。


英文片名:Johnny Test Season 2




实验小达人强尼英文版 第2季 视频截图

实验小达人强尼英文版 第二季 剧集目录

When Johnny gets in trouble at school, he asks his sisters to develop a robot mom that looks just like the real thing to trick his teacher.

Bling Bling forces Johnny, Dukey, Susan, Mary and many others to return to Melee Island for another over-the-top battle royale.

Johnny sets out to prove a popular series of wizarding books is overrated and needlessly long by becoming a wizard in virtual reality.

Desperate to avoid embarrassment on the basketball court, Johnny uses his sisters' latest invention: the world's first fully functional good luck charm.

After suffering nightmares about the Big Bad Wolf, Johnny decides to face his fears in Susan and Mary's dream chamber invention.

Ten-hut! Johnny's nefarious baby-brother-bot escapes from military school to cause more chaos among the Test family.

After Bling Bling pleads for help with a genetically altered crab, Johnny and Dukey decide that even their biggest rival deserves a claw — er, a hand.

It's family game night in the Test household, and Johnny wants his parents and sisters to take the escape room trend to a whole new level.

After someone — or something — destroys a candy store, Mr. Black and Mr. White call on Johnny X to handle the fallout.

When Johnny gets locked out of his video game, Mary and Susan send him into Tiny'mon's virtual world in hopes of getting some answers.

After devouring a chapter of a yet-to-be-released Wizard Lad novel, Susan and Mary must know what happens next — and it's up to Johnny to find out.

Johnny enlists Dukey to star in a series of hilarious online videos for Snoob-Tube in hopes of making some serious money,

Johnny loves it. Dad and Dukey do not. The members of the Test family have strong opinions about Susan and Mary's new smart home upgrade.

Johnny embarks on a quest to complete his Squishy Wooshie collection by nabbing a Gnarly Narwhal from a stubborn vending machine at the car wash.

Johnny and Dukey each uncover a dinosaur fossil then set out to see whose dinosaur would win a fight by bringing them both back to life.

How can there be a Johnny X Con without the real Johnny even being invited? Fear not! That's exactly what our intrepid hero intends to find out.

When Johnny's beloved video game console catches on fire, he sets out to win a limited edition version at a restaurant filled with creepy animatronics.

Dad buys the car of his dreams and forbids Johnny from driving, touching or even looking at it. If only there were a way around these rules...

Johnny and Dukey get a surprise visit from their future selves, who have an important message about how to save Porkbelly.

When the action figures Johnny is obsessing over are quickly sold out, he decides to make his own using his sisters' 3D printer.



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