宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go》托马斯和朋友们:全速前进英文版 第一季,全部26集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器设置字幕字体大小颜色或者切换关闭字幕);每集大小约511M,资源总大小12.9G,单集播放时长约11分钟,1080P高清MKV视频格式,可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种设备播放,提供百度网盘下载。

托马斯和朋友们:全速前进英文版 第一季 资源简介


美泰电视台(Mattel Television)宣布了其最受欢迎的系列电影之一:《托马斯与朋友们:全速前进》(Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go)的最新版本。

这部新剧将于今年秋季首映,它与Corus Entertainment的《Nelvana》合作,在flash和丰富多彩的2D动画中呈现出全新的创意。喜欢《托马斯和朋友们》系列的小伙伴们又可以看到不一样的作品了,有没有期待起来呢?




就是这个只有火车头看起来还是挺不对劲的,看着有点不太习惯。不知道小伙伴们看完有没有这样的感觉呢?新作《托马斯与朋友们:全速前进》将会于今年秋天在美国Netflix和Cartoon Network首播,所以喜欢《托马斯和朋友们》的小伙伴们可以留意一下哦!

托马斯和朋友们:全速前进英文版 第1季 视频截图

托马斯和朋友们:全速前进英文版 剧集目录

After accidentally derailing Gordon, Thomas promises to deliver Gordon's cargo but gets distracted by a race with Diesel.

Thomas gets upset over being asked to bring a boring battery to Brendam Docks for a rocket launch.

Thomas creates a fun spy game to help Percy conquer his fear of the dark.

Thomas learns that different engines have different abilities after creating an obstacle course that nobody else can complete.

Thomas offers to help Annie and Clarabel arrive at their destination well-rested but must resist the urge to make noise along the way.

After the power goes out, Thomas helps his friend — the normally lightning-quick Kana — take things slowly for a change.

Thomas and the other engines hold a contest to see who will get to deliver a wooden dragon to the Medieval Faire.

Thomas forms an adventure club after finding a map that may lead to the special Crystal Locomotive landmark.

Percy lends Thomas his lucky bell to help ease his nerves about making a delivery in the mine.

Eager to assist Thomas to deliver a massive shipment of sand, the small-in-size Sandy searches for ways to be a big helper.

Carly needs all the trains to work in pairs to help relocate three cottages to the other side of Sodor.

While delivering 10 cows to McColl's Farm, Thomas and Percy lose track of a few members of the herd along the way.

Thomas joins Nia on her way to a big concert in Vicarstown. But when they arrive, they learn Gordon has not shown up with the instruments!

The trains declare it to be backwards day at Knapford Station and have loads of fun until Thomas mixes things up more than he intended.

Thomas and Kana spot a rainbow and decide to follow it, hopeful they'll figure out where it ends and maybe even get a prize.

Nia gets tasked with delivering a giant balloon float for the Sodor parade, but all her careful planning can't stop the wind from blowing.

All the train kids are super excited to carry their very own, colorful flag in the train parade, but there's a problem: Nia's flag is missing.

Worried she can't get far on a single charge, Kana goes on a scavenger hunt with Thomas and Percy that may lead to a solution to her problem.

Inspired by his favorite action hero, Thomas tries to make sure a movie screen arrives in excellent condition so everyone can enjoy movie night.

Thomas, Percy and Nia have to make a delivery deep into the mainland but that means spending the night in a spooky shed along the way.

When Diesel is late for a delivery, Thomas and Percy try to cheer him up but accidentally risk ruining Diesel's next job.

Nia wants to use a map for a delivery, but Thomas is confident they don't need one since he's been there before — but then the pair gets lost.

When all the trains but Thomas get deliveries, he’s left to spend the day with a new friend, taking it around to visit his favorite places.

When Thomas' #1 gets covered by paint, Diesel's comment about Thomas not being number one anymore causes him to doubt himself.

The engines look forward to the rollercoaster at the Vicarstown Carnival, except for Percy, who's a bit afraid.

Thomas is so excited to show Annie and Clarabel's passengers the scenic views of Sodor but then the power goes out all over the island.



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