宝妈资源网收录的动画片《The Ollie & Moon Show》奇奇妙妙环游记英文版 第一季,全部52集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(内置多国语言字幕,如阿拉伯文,法文,西班牙文,意大利文,可以下载后使用播放器设置字幕字体大小颜色或者切换关闭字幕);每集大小约430M,资源总大小25G,单集播放时长约11分钟,1080P高清MKV视频格式,可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种设备播放,提供百度网盘下载。

奇奇妙妙环游记英文版 第一季 资源简介

《奇奇妙妙环游记》(The Ollie and Moon Show)是一部由法国自2017年开始制作的益智类动画片;讲述奇奇妙妙环是一对六岁的猫,奇奇是天生的乐天派,妙妙总能想出妙点子,他们一起游遍世界各地,奇奇和妙妙都会来到一个新的国家或城市,经历新的冒险的故事。



奇奇妙妙环游记英文版 第1季 视频截图

奇奇妙妙环游记英文版 第一季 剧集目录

Ollie and Moon head to the Netherlands to look for yellow tulips. Will Stanley have the courage to explain what happened to the ones Ollie planted?

It's Stanley's birthday and Ollie and Moon take their buddy to Mexico to find the perfect present.

Ollie is upset that Moon got his favorite superball stuck on the roof. They go to Kenya to find a giraffe who can help get it down.

Desperate for snow, Ollie and Moon hop on an airplane but end up in a spot that's not exactly a winter wonderland.

Moon thinks Ollie's incredibly large meatball is an amazing creation and suggests they fly to Italy for a celebratory feast.

Ollie and Moon head to Spain's Pyrenees Mountains to camp. When Ollie can't find his favorite PJs, he worries he'll never get to sleep.

Moon's a big believer in the power of fortune cookies, but Ollie's not so sure. They head to China to see who's right.

To help Ollie get his loose tooth out, Moon suggests they fly to England and chow down on some extra sticky toffee.

Ollie and Moon take it upon themselves to get an under-the-weather Stanley to his grandmother's house in Poland for some healthy soup.

Ollie and Moon travel to Japan to learn how to use chopsticks and run into a sumo-sized complication along the way.

While playing a game of "Ask or Adventure," Ollie and Moon fly to sunny Florida, where gigantic roller coasters await.

Moon wants to help Ollie create a dance video for his space-bound aunt, but doesn't realize Ollie isn't big on being the center of attention.

When Ollie accidentally ruins the special Hawaiian pool-party shirt Scoot gave him, he and Moon fret over how to break the news.

After Moon signs up Ollie and herself to play soccer, the pair flies to Brazil for a crash course on how to play the game.

Ollie wants to help Moon meet a real mermaid, but there's a problem: Ollie doesn't think they exist.

Moon eats up the last of Ollie's honey during a midnight snack, then flies to Scotland in hopes of replacing the treat before Ollie wakes up.

While visiting her pen pal in India, Moon worries that she may have exaggerated a few of her talents in her letters.

Moon wants to keep the talking toy bear she found, but Ollie thinks they ought to find a way to get it back to its owner in Russia.

Ollie needs to know how his favorite comic ends, so he and Moon fly to Japan to try to track down the author.

Eager to slather their pancakes in sticky and delicious maple syrup, Ollie and Moon hightail it to Canada.

Moon offers to help Ollie find a four-leaf clover, but Ollie thinks the quest might be next to impossible.

While traveling through a Costa Rican cloud forest, Moon really wants her new sloth pal to pick up the pace.

Ollie and Moon hop a flight to Italy in hopes of creating a new flavor of gelato for Stanley's cousin's ice cream shop.

Unable to agree about how a kangaroo behaves, Ollie and Moon travel to Australia to find a real one and settle the debate.

Moon wants to be a superhero, so she and Ollie travel to the Swiss Alps to take rescue lessons from an oh-so-serious St. Bernard.

On a trip to Peru, Moon learns she can draw a lot better than she thought, while Ollie discovers he doesn't need his favorite pencil to be creative.

Ollie's adventurous Auntie Char invites him to host an Explorer's Club meeting and gives him a mission: find a photo of something pink.

A stubborn Moon wants to prove to Ollie that she can be a great baker without any help until she remembers that it's OK to ask for assistance.

It's hotter than an oven in Brooklyn, so Ollie and Moon travel to Greenland hoping to find some much-needed heat relief.

When Ollie accidentally shrinks Moon's special Bolivian alpaca hat, he goes the extra mile to fix the problem.

Moon takes Ollie to South Africa to cheer him up. When the trip doesn't go as planned, Ollie has to learn to adapt.

Impressed with her own ability to read hieroglyphics, Moon leads Ollie on a hunt for ancient Egyptian treasure.

While traveling with Moon to a nighttime festival in Thailand, Ollie discovers that his trusty night light is broken.

Moon's craving for super delicious cookies sends her and Ollie all the way to the Greek island of Hydra.

Moon is delighted when her new dance moves thrust her into the spotlight, but Ollie would rather keep a low profile.

During a trip to the Grand Canyon, Ollie and Moon learn an important lesson about coming clean with their mistakes.

Wanting to prove that magic really exists, Moon drags Ollie all the way to Merlin's cave in England.

Moon challenges Dolly and Zoom to a tandem bike race in France, but Ollie is certain that everything is about to go wrong.

While searching for a rare butterfly in Malaysia, Ollie's and Moon's different personalities both cause -- and solve -- problems.

PawPaw issues a challenge to Ollie and Moon: finish a game of scavenger hunt without bickering and quitting.

Ollie, Moon and Scoot visit Yellowstone National Park, where circumstances force Ollie to ditch his plans and go with the flow.

Laser-focused on finding Scoot's lost friend in Berlin, Ollie fails to notice that Moon doesn't want to split up to widen their search.

Stanley worries that he won't stack up to his accomplished relatives at his family reunion in Canada.

Making a huge statue is no picnic, so Ollie and Moon travel to world-famous Easter Island for a little inspiration.

Ollie's having trouble learning how to drum, so he, Moon and Stanley fly to Cuba for a master class in rhythm.

In honor of Earth Day, Ollie and Moon travel to Sweden to get a beautiful baby fir tree they can plant back home.

Sick and tired of his small stature, Ollie longs to go to Borneo, where he and Moon are considered big.

A distorted video call from Dolly and Zoom inspires Ollie and Moon to travel to New Zealand for what they think will be a rugby match.

Ollie didn't sleep a wink and now he needs a nap -- but how can he snooze when there's a trip to Iceland on the horizon?

Ollie's plans for Auntie Char's welcome back party get out of hand when Moon insists on contributing a few of her own ideas.

While cleaning the apartment, Moon accidentally breaks Ollie's nesting dolls. Now it's off to Russia to find some replacements.

Hoping to get Ollie to branch out from boring cheese sandwiches, Moon takes him to Vietnam to try some new kinds of food.



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