宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Horrid Henry》调皮的亨利英文版 第一季,全部52集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器选择设置字幕或者关闭字幕);每集大小约150M,资源总大小7.19G,单集播放时长约11分钟,480P标清MKV格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

调皮的亨利英文版 第一季 资源简介

类型: 喜剧 / 动画 / 儿童
制片国家/地区: 英国
语言: 英语
首播: 2006(英国)
季数: 1
集数: 52
单集片长: 11


哈里波特可以说是时下世界NO.1的知名的儿童文学形象,不过,还有一个男孩形象毫不逊色于哈里·波特,他就是霍利·亨利。霍利·亨利是英国最知名的儿童文学形象之一,销量仅次于哈利·波特。霍利·亨利故事系列在全球 27个国家翻译成25种语言出版。Horrid Henry调皮的亨利的主角就是Henry,他任性叛逆,不断地叛逆父母以及激怒女孩子,使班主任烦恼,使父母麻烦。他有个弟弟叫Peter,学校里还有个女同学Margaret,是他的死对头。Henry是出名的捣蛋鬼,Peter是出名的优秀生。这兄弟俩,虽然个性反差巨大,不过,兄弟情义还是很深的。

Horrid Henry是英国最知名的儿童文学形象之一,销量仅次于哈利·波特,全球27个国家翻译成25种语言出版。



《Horrid Henry》里面的小亨利的种种淘气,都很符合孩子这个年龄段的特征,会闯祸、会抱怨、会欺负弟弟、还会给别人起外号。

调皮的亨利英文版 第1季 视频截图

调皮的亨利英文版 第一季 剧集目录

Blue is the color and revenge is the game after Peter goes one step too far. / Moody Margaret's moving in, but for how long?

The Tooth Fairy is in town, but Henry doesn't have a tooth to leave her. / The family's walk in the country turns into a walk on the wild side.

Henry tries to win the toy of his dreams: the Double Drencher 3000. / Henry's least favorite day gets worse when he finds out his race partner.

There's a new Dinner Lady in town, and she's hungry! / Will Halloween be canceled, or can Henry come up with a plan to have his tricks and treats?

Can Henry turn on his footballing skills and win tickets to his beloved team's match? / Henry's contribution to the school's time capsule backfires.

Henry's career as a film director gets off to a shaky start. / There are spooky goings-on at Aunt Ruby's house.

The new teacher seems to be getting the better of Henry. / Henry faces a disastrous present, friends out for revenge and a games lesson at school.

It's Henry's chance to be a rock star, at last! / Fang takes matters into his own hands when Henry takes him to school for show-and-tell.

Henry finds himself at the top of the class after a computer test. / Henry's latest get-rich-quick scheme backfires on him spectacularly.

Bells jingle and boom-booms bash in this tale of goodwill to all men, women and Horrid Henrys! / Henry's new shoes turn out to be a real giveaway.

Henry meets his match in this story of mayhem and chocolate mousse. / Fluffy's disappeared, and Margaret is being even more secretive than usual.

Henry and Ralph help out with the magic show at Peter's birthday party. / Henry's idea of a real holiday isn't the same as Mum and Dad's.

Henry decides to be perfect for the day. / It's worm-eat-worm as the Purple Hand Gang goes head-to-head with the Secret Club.

Perfect Peter decides to plot revenge on Henry with the help of the Best Boys Club. / Henry gets trapped in a dark cellar with only Peter for company.

It's Peter's turn to be horrid -- really, really horrid! / Help! It's injection day at school, and Nurse Needle is on the loose!

Henry tries to get through his household chores quickly. / A day in the life of Horrid Henry -- now that's worth watching!

Henry's on a school trip, which can mean only one thing -- trouble! / There's fishy fun at the aquarium as Dad takes Henry and Peter for a day out.

Henry creates a new style of dancing that wins everyone over. / Will Henry end up in the Tower when he meets the Queen?

Henry tries to get out of his least favorite lesson. But will Sid make him take the plunge? / Henry promises that his will be the best birthday ever.

Snails anyone? When Henry eats out, he does it in style! / The only way to win a book-reading competition is to read some books. Or is it?

There's not much sleep in store for Henry when New Nick invites him over for a sleepover. / It's Take Your Child to Work Day for Henry's dad.

Henry's starring role as page boy at his cousin's wedding offers all sorts of opportunities for trouble. / Henry takes a sick day off school.

Henry tries to be the first boy at school to get the fantastic Gold Gizmo. / Believing in fairies brings Peter everything he wishes for and more.

Now here's something you never thought you'd see: Horrid Henry tidies up. / Henry's latest get-rich-quick idea doesn't turn out as he'd hoped!

A new baby sitter forces Henry to become even more inventive. / When his teddy goes missing, Henry decides to become a detective and investigate.

When Horrid Henry becomes a time traveler, it's back to the future for Peter -- with disastrous results! / Henry decides to run away from home.



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