宝妈资源网收录的动画片《Future-Worm! 》未来虫英文版 第一季,全部61集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可下载后使用播放器选择设置字幕或者关闭字幕);资源总大小11.5G,720P高清MKV视频格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

未来虫英文版 第一季 资源简介


Future Warm》是由曾获得黄金时段艾美奖的导演莱恩·昆西原创(于2013年加入迪士尼电视动画系列团队的执行制作人)。

这部系列在2015年5月27日起先作为短片播出,原计画在2015秋天播出正片。但直到2016年8月1日在美国与加拿大的Disney XD频道联合播出。



Meet Danny, inventor of the Time Machine Lunch Box. During its maiden voyage, the lunch box was hurled way into the future, where future scientists discovered a simple worm that they put through their genetic escalator, increasing the worm's intellectual capacity and need for adventure. This worm became FUTURE-WORM. Now he's returned to make sure Danny never has a boring day. One boy. One worm. Together. Into the past, present, and future. ...These are their adventures.

Future Warm!以Danny Douglas角色为中心,Danny Douglas是一个乐观开朗的12岁小孩,他发明了一个叫做时光机便当盒机器,并与来自未来且无害的虫-Future Worm成为朋友。他们一同穿梭空间、时间与自习室,在踏上冒险旅程的期间,他们每一天都会制造出一台新的机器。


未来虫英文版 第1季 视频截图

未来虫英文版 第一季 视频截图 剧集目录

E01E02E03 Long Live Captain Cakerz - Terrible Tuber Trouble - Healin Touch with Dr D
E04E05E06 How to Beat a Cold With Fists - Old Man Duck Head - Unsolved Histories 1
E07E08E09 Meetiversary - The Very Hungry Killah-Pillah - Steak Starbot
E10E11E12 Bubble Dad - Future Danny and the Ghost Pirates of Tau Ceti - Porthold to the Lizard Hole
E13E14E15 Deunited - The Forever Five - Great Debates With The End of Time 1
E16E17E18 The Bleak Shall Inherit the Earth - Makin History - Lobster Boy Movie Trailer
E19E20E21 Go Help Yourself - Barl - Mecha-Muck Wars 1
E22E23E24 Revenge of the Anchovy Monster - Food Goggles - Steak Starbolt Spooktacular
E25E26E27 Robo-Carp-Alypse - The Reemen - Dr D Ghost Hunter
E28E29E30 Steak Starmom - Lemonades Last Stand - This Week in Future Science 1
E31E32E33 The Time Travelers Council - Future Danny and the Scourge of the Plierates - Bugs Very Important Job
E34E35E36 Bug vs the Babysitter - Doug Race 3939 - The Panama Bananama
E37E38E39 Future-Worm and the 54 Days of Snordfest - Lost in the Mall
E40E41E42 Devil on Bugs Shoulder - Assassin Parrot - The Never Ending End of Time
E43E44E45 Egg in the Family - The Right To Bear Arms - This Week in Future Science 2
E46E47E48 Danny Swap The Musical - The World According to LARP - Mecha-Muck Warz 2
E49E50E51 O Brother Here Art Thou - Life With Barl - Fyootch Fails
E52E53E54 Megan Muck Wars - Porthole to the Spider Hole - Weenie Genie
E55E56E57 Be Mine Across Time - Fyootchy Swap - Steak Starbolt Movie Trailer
E58E59E60 Manchovy Prison Break - Wrong Place Wrong Time - Future Danny Finale

