宝妈资源网收录的动画片《My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic》小马宝莉:友谊的魔力英文版 第八季,全部26集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可下载后使用播放器选择设置字幕或者关闭字幕);每集大小约610M,资源总大小16.1G,单集播放时长约22分钟,1080P高清MKV格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

小马宝莉:友谊的魔力英文版 第八季 资源简介

类型: 喜剧 / 动画 / 歌舞 / 家庭 / 儿童
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
首播: 2018-03-24(美国)
集数: 26
单集片长: 22分钟
又名: 小马宝莉 / 彩虹小马 / 我的小马驹:友谊是魔法

《小马宝莉》(My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)另译为《我的小马驹:友情就是魔法》、《彩虹小马:友情就是魔法》、《小马驹之友谊魔法》、《我的小马》等,是孩之宝于2010年10月10日开始于美国The Hub电视频道播出的面向女童、以马为主角的卡通影集。

故事叙述一只叫暮光闪闪(TwilightSparkle)的小马为了执行导师塞拉斯提娅公主(PrincessCelestia)给她的任务,与助手斯穗龙(Spike)一起来到小马镇学习有关友谊的魔法的知识,其中她认识了苹果杰克(Applejack)、瑞瑞(Rarity)、小蝶(Fluttershy)、云宝黛西(RainbowDash)与碧琪(PinkiePie)五位好朋友,每只小马都代表着友谊的每个元素,并在和谐水晶(E… 故事叙述一只叫暮光闪闪(TwilightSparkle)的小马为了执行导师塞拉斯提娅公主(PrincessCelestia)给她的任务,与助手斯穗龙(Spike)一起来到小马镇学习有关友谊的魔法的知识,其中她认识了苹果杰克(Applejack)、瑞瑞(Rarity)、小蝶(Fluttershy)、云宝黛西(RainbowDash)与碧琪(PinkiePie)五位好朋友,每只小马都代表着友谊的每个元素,并在和谐水晶(ElementsofHarmony)中,各扮演重要的关键元素。此后,暮光闪闪(TwilightSparkle)便与她认识的新朋友们开始了有趣的日常生活,在第四季时暮光闪闪(TwilightSparkle)和她的五个朋友在第四集以及之后开始写日记。


而每一代的小马宝莉玩具也都会成为动画片的主角,《我的小马驹:友谊魔法 My Little Pony : Friendship Is Magic》就是这一形象的第四代动画作品。这个系列,从2010年10月开始在美国The Hub电视频道播出,原本为小女生设计的形象,却意外爆红,受到年长观众群的广大回响。甚至有男性观众公开承认喜欢小马,并自称”Bronies”(小马哥)。

King Sombra曾经统治小马国边缘的水晶王国,带来了无尽的苦难。后来他被塞拉斯迪亚公主和露娜公主联合击败,变成阴影,并被放逐。
一千年后,King Sombra卷土重来,想要重新统治水晶王国。大公主希望暮光闪闪一行去保护水晶王国,免受King Sombra的再度袭击。他们克服重重困难和阻挠,去保护水晶王国,并让那里再度恢复生机。

小马宝莉:友谊的魔力英文版 第8季 视频截图

小马宝莉:友谊的魔力英文版 第八季 剧集目录

When Twilight Sparkle realizes the Friendship Map has grown beyond Equestria, she decides to open a School of Friendship with help from the Mane Six.

After her School of Friendship suffers a major setback, Twilight Sparkle must reunite her students and make a few changes.

When her sister Maud starts dating a prickly pony named Mudbriar, Pinkie Pie worries their friendship bond may be fraying.

Crisis in Ponyville! Rarity leaves Fluttershy in charge of the Manehattan boutique, where the haughty customers are anything but approachable.

Desperate to ride a wild rollercoaster in Las Pegasus, Rainbow Dash agrees to serve as chaperone to some older ponies who are heading there, too.

A young Hippogriff with relatives on Mt. Aris and in Seaquestria can't decide where to live. It's up to the Cutie Mark Crusaders to help him out.

To help celebrate a big anniversary, Twilight Sparkle casts Princess Celestia in a play ... but quickly learns that not everyone is destined to act.

Starlight and Sunburst are summoned to their hometown of Sire's Hollow, where they cross paths with their problematic parents.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash -- both hoping to win Teacher of the Month -- lead a group of students on a field trip, where things don't go as planned.

It's Hearts and Hooves Day, and Big Mac has something special planned for Sugar Belle -- but a mix-up might put a damper on the fun.

When Spike starts going through adolescent changes, he worries Twilight Sparkle might kick him out of the castle.

Denied admission to the School of Friendship, the Cutie Mark Crusaders do the next best thing and tutor a struggling student.

Queen Chrysalis returns with a sinister plan to clone the ponies and take control of the Elements of Harmony.

When Twilight Sparkle is called away, she leaves Starlight in charge of the school -- a fact that doesn't sit too well with Discord.

As the ponies settle in for Hearth's Warming Eve, a prank threatens to put a damper on the festivities.

Twilight learns about another school of friendship and is surprised to see that her idol, Star Swirl the Bearded, is enrolled.

Wait, why are they friends again? Rarity and Rainbow Dash begin to wonder why they bother hanging out when they don't seem to have anything in common.

Pinkie Pie is all about her new hobby -- playing the Yovidophone. There's just one problem: She's not very good at it.

Things get tense when Trixie heads off to Saddle Arabia to perform magic along with her assistant, Starlight.

Rainbow Dash worries that Scootaloo's newfound fandom for a group of stunt ponies could mark the end of an era.

Twilight Sparkle and the ponies do their best to help Equestria legend Rockhoof adjust to life in modern times.

While studying for a big test on the history of magic in Equestria, some of Twilight Sparkle's students stumble upon a secret in the library.

Applejack and Fluttershy take on an unusual Friendship Quest: helping a group of ponies who took a vow of silence.

Spike is instantly smitten with a dragon who crash-lands in Ponyville and claims to be his father.

Something strange is going on with the magic in Equestria, and Twilight Sparkle and her friends are determined to unravel the mystery.

As the plot to take over the School of Friendship kicks into high gear, it's up to the Cutie Mark Crusaders to step up and save the day.



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