宝妈资源网收录的纪录片《Weird But True》国家地理真实见闻英文版 第三季 ,全部13集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器选择设置字幕或者关闭字幕);每集大小约700M,资源总大小9.31G,单集播放时长约22分钟,720P高清MKV格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

Weird But True! 第三季 资源简介


Weird But True!是美国教育电视节目,由查理·恩格曼(Charlie Engelman)主演,并由其姐姐Kirby Engelman(第1和第2季)和Carly Ciarrocchi(第3季)共同主演。最初在《国家地理儿童》上播出,并在2020年8月14日首次亮相的第三季成为了迪士尼+原创。 受同名《国家地理》丛书的启发,恩格曼一家人的风格和对纸模型的大量使用是其早期的《国家地理》短片系列《自然繁荣时期》的延续。

Weird But True 是一个主要针对儿童和家庭的教育系列节目,旨在揭示关于世界的令人惊讶和迷人的信息。

根据迪士尼的说法,该系列节目中,我们富有魅力的主持人将展开充满想象力的奇特冒险,将 "艺术和手工、不可思议的事实和现实生活的探索相结合"。

Weird But True! 第3季 视频截图

Weird But True! 第三季 剧集目录

1. Dinosaurs
Charlie and Carly’s quest takes them on a fascinating journey to Dinosaur National Monument. There, they hatch a plan with a palaeontologist to “dig up” the dough.

2. National Parks
Carly thinks backyards are to be enjoyed, and Charlie thinks they should be protected. A visit with park rangers from Yellowstone National Park might just help settle Carly and Charlie’s debate.

3. Farming
Carly has an idea to turn the garden into a farm, but they don’t have enough space to grow everything they need outside. She takes Charlie on a trip to an indoor vertical farm in NYC to learn new possibilities of farming!

4. Germs
To avoid getting sick from the germs Casey is spreading throughout HQ, Carly and Charlie must understand all there is to know about germs. They head to Germfree Laboratories and Mushroom Mountain to examine good hygiene and health practices.

5. Photography
Carly and Charlie head to Berkeley to learn from one of the best – National Geographic photographer Anand Varma! Their idea to combine paper art with photography makes their creation the hit of the show!

6. Trains
Carly’s assignment is to shadow a train engineer; After her grandfather organises a visit to Steamtown Pennsylvania, Carly becomes inspired to improve trains in the future.

7. Venomous Animals
Charlie and Carly head to California Academy of Sciences to learn all about venomous species.

8. Our Solar System
Carly and Charlie head to the Mars habitat in Hawaii to experience what it is like to live in outer space. Renowned astrophysicist Michio Kaku is a special guest star, playing fictional character Buster Infinity.

9. Cooking
Carly and Charlie attempt a basic burger, but that turns into a disaster. The only way to master the art of cooking is to learn from the experts at the Culinary Institute of America.

10. Explorers
Carly meets with National Geographic Explorer Darlene Cavalier, who describes how she’s exploring new ways to connect people with science. She’s trying different methods to encourage people to pursue their own curiosity and even become explorers themselves!

11. Scuba Diving
It’s the Manta Ray Dive! Despite her fear of scuba, Carly is determined to join Charlie so that he doesn’t have to go alone. Can she overcome her fear?

12. Camping
Carly and Charlie take a trip to Coronado National Forest within Arizona’s Saguaro National Park. There, they get expert advice and begin to fully absorb what it is like to camp and how to become master campers.

13. Rockets
Carly and Charlie compete in a series of launches that closely resembles the storyline of the US/Soviet Union Space Race. After learning some key physics principles about rocket flight, they race back to headquarters to build a rocket of their own.



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